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[Implemented] [DA99D9] XF MOTO-6 - Printable Version

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[DA99D9] XF MOTO-6 - TheStigUSA - 2024-01-07 01:15


LFS Mod Skin ID:  DA99D9

Edit (internal): Edit

Name: XF MOTO-6

Suggested values:
  • Price: 18,000€ ("GT" version of XF MOTO. Intended to be touring class)
  • Income: +3.5€ (189hp/ton)
  • Cargo capacity: 200kg
  • Remarks:
    ->1.5L motorbike I6 engine. Has more usable torque than MOTO-T but not much faster.
    ->Reliability should be as base XFG, N/A engine.
    ->Unsure if it makes sense to link this as a Compatible Mod for XFG or if it should be standalone?

RE: [DA99D9] XF MOTO-6 - Chuck - 2024-01-20 10:24

mapped on xfg-130