[TC] Gaming Forums
GT500 1967 (Eliinor) Cop skin. (Approved) - Printable Version

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GT500 1967 (Eliinor) Cop skin. (Approved) - Aplastador200 - 2024-02-03 23:19

A Cop skin for the GT500 1967 mod on a simplified style for TC.


(Note that it was hard for "POLICE" logo be more noticeable for the front view due the angles of the front bumper)

GT500 1967 (Eliinor) Cop skin. - Carl - 2024-02-03 23:57

This thread has been put forward for discussion by [TC] Members. We aim to get back to you with a verdict as soon as possible - Thanks!

Status: Approved. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2024-02-09 14:08

Skin Approved
The skin in this thread has been approved and can now be used on the servers!