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+ TESLA Report (Report Archived by BP) - Printable Version

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+ TESLA Report (Report Archived by BP) - Felipe Jardim - 2024-02-23 23:34

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: [od]jArDiM

Their LFS Username(s):cookiemaster2500
Their In-game Nickname(s):TESLA

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 2/23/24
Time of Incident: Around 23:00 server time

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): on the first MPR at 19:37 the actor named "TESLA" is arab drifting in a HGV and proceeds to send me flying across the map. He apologized with a bind but it just seemed like an automatic response to rid himself of any responsibility or recognition for what he did, because when i actually confronted him about it at 21:05 and again at 21:47 i got no answer from him. Breaking 2 rules at once with no care. I rejoined the server and he was still doing the same thing. The second MPR is very short so you can watch it in full and see this.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):
first MPR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bAYWXRdCWrLpGk40SA4kwuL4_jGf4qE_/view?usp=sharing

second MPR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v3rrFLFbymZ_82HqU7JevQj2UxvbTy39/view?usp=sharing

EDIT: after telling him i reported, this is the response i got
[Image: tesla1.jpg]

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2024-02-24 06:32

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: TESLA Report - BP - 2024-02-24 08:54

First replay: The reported user is driving the LINE RUNNER IV, which is classed as a Heavy vehicle. He is continuously driving in a way which violates this rule:

Quote:14. --- Heavy Vehicle Rules - (Trucks/Buses) ---
14.1. Proper Behaviour
Heavy Vehicles must drive with care and attention at all times.
They are expected to behave in a professional manner. No donuts, burnouts, drifting, ramming, tailgating etc.

The crash at about 20:00 violates this rule:

Quote:1.2. Do not crash or ram other cars deliberately.
This includes negligent and reckless driving, provoking accidents, for example blocking the track, doing stunts or doughnuts on the road and so on.

Just a side-note: the crash could have been much less dramatic if you had used the brakes (or at least stopped accelerating) when you saw this heavy vehicle seemingly losing control and approaching you on your side of the road. That said, the reported user is at fault here.

In the second replay, user drives the LINE RUNNER IV again, drives in the same manner, and again causes a crash through negligent driving.

User seems to believe that using a "sorry / np" bind will absolve him of personal responsibility, which of course is not the case.

User does not care at all. Banned for 2 weeks.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.