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Visible rent prices, per OWNER - Printable Version

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Visible rent prices, per OWNER - Marty_Deslions - 2024-02-24 14:00

Since a while you can rent out your vehicle for other player to drive. Rent prices may vary from very cheap to exhorbitant amounts. However, in LFS/insim you cannot see directly the person who owns a certain car that put up for rent. (yes you can do !carinfo, whatever)
It would be nice to see the username of the person that puts a certain car for rent. So in the garage, when you click between the avaible VINs and their rent prices, you should also see the username of the person who asks that price for their car.
We could even extend this to the TC World website. So when you search for a certain username, and you go to their "Rent stats", you not only see the vehicles that he/she puts up for rent, but also their current rent rates. This way you could can a clear picture of the Vin/user. Transparency is the word.

No need to protect the people who ask exhorbitant prices.

(if you feel attacked by this thread, well... you know who you are.)

RE: Visible rent prices, per OWNER - Felipe Jardim - 2024-02-24 14:05


Expose all the extortionists. Only [COP]s may extort. tslm

RE: Visible rent prices, per OWNER - Speed Demon - 2024-02-24 16:43

I pressed no without reading it. lol sorry.

You haven't mentioned how this will benefit you, but it doesn't matter, I will comment that yes. It should be added to the server.

(2024-02-24 14:00)Marty_Deslions Wrote:  (if you feel attacked by this thread, well... you know who you are.)

You seem to be looking for drama. I'm the one who makes the most money in this rental business.
Tell me who you are and we can discuss accordingly.

RE: Visible rent prices, per OWNER - P V L - 2024-02-24 20:32

Really not needed in my opinion since Chuck has changed it to show up from

cheapest rent up to most expensive. We can already see who owns our rents

at our bank transactions. I just rent the cheapest available and all good.

RE: Visible rent prices, per OWNER - TheStigUSA - 2024-02-24 22:01

I think if there's space in the pit area for this info, sure, it should be harmless to add. I resonate with what PVL said though, this info is indeed 'extra' and can be gleaned from TC World.

An edge case I think of: if this is added, I hope it doesn't open the door to conflicts. I don't feel this is too big of a concern since personally, I haven't seen any conflict regarding people's rental prices, people just pick the car and go :) I'd wager most don't even check the price ;)