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- MONTANELAS ramming a player. (Report Archived by Leon) - Printable Version

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- MONTANELAS ramming a player. (Report Archived by Leon) - vito212223 - 2024-03-10 14:26

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:vito212223

Their LFS Username(s): (1) Mrjoao007 (2) Stikeriszx
Their In-game Nickname(s): (1) MONTANELAS (2) ///Stikeris

Incident Information

Date of Incident:10.03.2024
Time of Incident:15:45 (GMT+2) roughly

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): As I joined the server, and do all my settings and what not, I wittnesed a strong rule breaking from two players.
I started spectating both of them and their actions. From what I understood by my own, both players had an earlier argument on the road which may have not been settled. In the replay, around 35 seconds in, you can see both players leaving the pit area aproximately 5-7 seconds apart, as Stikeris (2) is first. He waits after the bridge and once Montanelas (1) gets closer, player(2) goes forward, visibly hitting player(1). From that moment on, player(1) types :"ramming?", and goes on a rampage (as I would describe it) to ram player(2) for complete lap around the "player made" race track on the map. I asked player(1) to stop ramming him in the game chat 2 times, with no effect. Player(1) stopped ramming player(2) once he was on his side. My point of view is that both players should get their punishments, as for a reason for this being the fact that they show that they are both not mature enough to settle their argument verbally and approach with violence. Rules broken during their "final settlement":
1.1. Respect other players.
Do not harass or abuse other players. They may be new to the game and not know the track or customs - help them, do not insult them. Always be aware other drivers may act unpredictably.
1.2. Do not crash or ram other cars deliberately.
This includes negligent and reckless driving, provoking accidents, for example blocking the track, doing stunts or doughnuts on the road and so on.
1.3. Drive on the correct side of the road.
Driving on the wrong side is tolerated for short periods of time and as long nobody else gets disturbed or endangered. This includes the wrong usage of one-way roads. Crashes due to this will be treated as ramming.(Player(1) for a brief period.)


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://www.mediafire.com/file/pmr8rmt407nxfbm/Report_-_mrjoao007.mpr/file

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Leon. - Leon - 2024-03-12 19:05

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: MONTANELAS ramming a player. - Leon - 2024-03-12 19:39

When the replay starts, both vehicles are next to each other in the High Street repair zone. One is overturned, the other heavily damaged and both pit at the same time. While this isn't concrete, it leads me to believe that they might be friends and are messing around with each other. Additionally, neither party reported the incident and both are guilty of ramming.

Due to the aforementioned suspicion and the fact that I can't see what preceded this incident, no action will be taken.

No action has been taken as explained
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.