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[APRIL FOOLS] New ban policy - Printable Version

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[APRIL FOOLS] New ban policy - Ras - 2024-04-01 10:53


Due to an overflow of users ending up banned because of their actions, we've had to think of a way to discourage bad behaviour on the servers.

From now on, we will hold team leaders responsible for any rule violation committed by their members. E.g. they will receive 10% of the ban time that has been issued against any member. A 30-day ban on a team member would result in a 3-day ban for the team leaders, for example. We think it's a good way to increase the general compliance with the rules and we hope, that the team leaders will be able to guide their members in the right direction.

Ras on behalf of [TC] CityDriving Management

RE: [APRILS FOOLS] New ban policy - Ras - 2024-04-01 18:58

Some of you guessed it. Some possibly didn't. But this was just this year's poor attempt at an April Fools. Hope you had a laugh with it!

Happy April from [TC]!