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[Rejected] Increasing the "wanted" timer - Printable Version

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Increasing the "wanted" timer - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-13 12:36

With the current system, you fly past a speedtrap way too fast you automaticly get to be wanted, as can be seen one or more stars on the top right of your screen. This also comes with a timer of 60 seconds. As far as I know this timer will never go above one minute. This means that unless the cop that speedtrapped or lasered you engages a chase, you have one minute for the wanted level to cool down. (unless you stumble upon another cop that notices you are wanted, and he/she starts chasing you instead).
So usually speaking, the wanted level is not too big of deal if the cop is just idle doing speedtrapping, and not giving chase. You just park somewhere, or go to some more quiet road, and wait for the timer to reach zero.

[Image: 661a776ccce8e-wantedstars.png]

My suggestion is to increase the time of the wanted star countdown. So instead of only 1 minute, lets say make it 3 or 5 minutes? So if a suspect really wants to get rid of their wanted level, they need to lie low for abit, like go to some quiet area of the map or park somewhere.

Alternatively, you could even improve this timer in such a way that the time depends on the number of stars. So for instance, with 1 star the timer would be only 2 minutes. With 2 stars the timer would be 4 minutes. And with 3 stars the timer would be a whopping 6 minutes.

And additionally, maybe some feature for the police HUD, where cops can see a list of players that are currently wanted, and their last seen location. So cops can choose to specifically go after a certain person. An increased wanted level timer could buy the cops some time to find that suspect.

[Image: 661a7bac8deda-sadsfdasfdasfd.jpg]

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - SIMOX - 2024-04-13 14:32

So the cop takes UF1, parks it on the side of the road or rolls around in it while people speeding past him, then goes into garage and picks OP car like XRR or something then hunts them down?

I mean doesn't sound very fair tbh.

Unless you would be able to clean your wanted level by paying up some % of the fine at HOME or something.

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - bowler - 2024-04-13 19:26

seems somewhat interesting but we have a thing we can buy aswell marty called the anpr and this shows us as cops (who have it installed) that you are wanted but i think there could be a most wanted list or something similar to show who we need to get as they are the worst of the bunch and need shutting down Smile

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - RedJohn - 2024-04-14 03:21

Another brilliant idea marty!

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - Speed Demon - 2024-04-14 05:43

You're just making a suggestion for the sake of making a suggestion. You've never played a cop or run from one. You're just spamming for nothing.

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - AnansiMaxine - 2024-04-14 10:07

(2024-04-14 05:43)Speed Demon Wrote:  You're just making a suggestion for the sake of making a suggestion. You've never played a cop or run from one. You're just spamming for nothing.

With Marty's cop level and cop playtime I think it's fair to say that he has a modicum of knowledge to formulate a good suggestion like this. You either agree to it or not. Simple as that. Did you forget about something called Ad Hominem?

While I'm here, I voted no - in my opinion I'd say that 1 minute is enough for the speeder to flee away from the cops and to lose their wanted level. Also, mentioning ganji here, the ANPR camera is an useful tool to check who was speeding or not.

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - Vilix - 2024-04-14 13:44

Besides the flaws in this suggestion that the others have pointed out, for me the biggest reason for saying no is that most people already have the tracks and layouts memorized, plus they have a minimap they can track people with (let's not even mention spectating others).

"laying low" or "being careful" doesn't exactly work when the cops know exactly where you are and how to get to you. 60 seconds is enough time that if cops work together efficiently you'll most likely be chased, but if they don't then you have enough time to get rid of the wanted level.

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - A c e - 2024-04-15 08:54

Another great gta 5 rp idea Marty!

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - Jacob - 2024-04-15 09:59

The only good idea is the list of wanted players with wanted lvl. The rest is a nonsense

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - 7mar - 2024-04-15 12:31

delete forum account and just play pls

RE: Increasing the "wanted" timer - BP - 2024-04-15 13:42

No need for snide comments. Either respond constructively or just vote in the poll and move on.