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- Ramming to a wall in chasing (Report Archived by Yung) - Printable Version

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- Ramming to a wall in chasing (Report Archived by Yung) - alptigin41 - 2024-07-02 20:52

Users Involved
Your LFS Username: alptigin41

Their LFS Username(s): racerss
Their In-game Nickname(s): [Ï] Dee
( [Ï] this sembol is something else but doesn't supported here.)

Incident Information
Date of Incident: 02 July 2024
Time of Incident: 21.25 GMT+1 (England time)

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
- 18:25 As can be clearly seen, while I was chasing him, he noticed the protrusion on the wall and deliberately pushed me against the protruding wall with a sudden impact, causing me to have a serious accident. (then he argued that it was legal and I decided to resolve this issue on the forum).

Proof (MPR video)

RE: Ramming to a wall in chasing - Yung - 2024-07-03 07:50


I can see you have have not properly used the provided format for reports. I will take this as its mostly complete bar the conformation, however in future you should use the complete format located in the following thread.


This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Ramming to a wall in chasing - alptigin41 - 2024-07-03 11:35

thank you for the warning, im sorry for the wrong format.

RE: Ramming to a wall in chasing - Yung - 2024-07-03 14:12

I don't see any reason to take action against racerss for this move, while harsh, it does seem to fall within the rules of acceptable force. alptigin41 puts themselves in this situation by going alongside the suspect just before the road narrows (this is really common spot for suspects forcing you into that barrier). Only very minor damage was caused by the car-to-car contant and hitting the barrier.

alptigin41 'are you kidding', 'cya forums' or similar messages are not the best way to go about talking to someone if you think they have broken a rule. You were told about this recently.

No action has been taken as explained
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.