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Charging for parking with rental cars. - Printable Version

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Charging for parking with rental cars. - Speed Demon - 2024-07-13 14:49

A person driving the car I rented just parks it and doesn't move for hours. I think there is no point in this system if I am not going to make money from the person who rents the car for show.

My suggestion is that if the person does not move for 1.5 minutes (the time is up to you), the rental fee should continue to be charged.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - KooKoo - 2024-07-13 17:16

I agree. Many times rented cars are parked either in the safezone or after doing a pit stop for quite a lot of time and it doesn’t make you (the owner of the car) make money out of it. Even worse, it freezes income since you can’t use it nor make money out of it.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - RedJohn - 2024-07-13 18:09

Well maybe dont make cars cost 25eur per km if you want people to drive them lol

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Speed Demon - 2024-07-13 18:21

(2024-07-13 18:09)RedJohn Wrote:  Well maybe dont make cars cost 25eur per km if you want people to drive them lol

You are coming up with an empty argument just to answer me.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Carl - 2024-07-13 19:09

I think it's a reasonable suggestion. In fact, many years ago the rental system used to work from time spent in the car. That had it's cons when people forgot to pit and the cost kept going up but I like the idea of an idle charge in a rental.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Vilix - 2024-07-13 20:06

While I don’t disagree it might be a little annoying if a car you’re renting is parked AFK, I would absolutely despise having to constantly spectate or pit whenever I have to suddenly tab out of my game or take a phone call etc. and I still have to pay for that time spent. This would become incredibly irritating very quickly especially if this happens with some of those high priced cars.

Not to mention, TC members frequently have to park AFK to complete admin work, spectate people or watch a replay. If they’re being charged as well during this process I doubt many will support this suggestion. To me this idea needs a lot of tweaking before the positives outweigh the negatives.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Felipe Jardim - 2024-07-14 02:49

I think a better solution would be to have the actual owner to be able to "request it back" if it hasn't moved in a while (like 3-5 mins). Calling the car back would auto-spec the AFK user without losing their trip/bonus, that way no tears come of it. Eliminate the possibility of a call back if the user is in a job, chase or active tow call.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - KooKoo - 2024-07-14 12:58

(2024-07-13 20:06)Vilix Wrote:  Not to mention, TC members frequently have to park AFK to complete admin work, spectate people or watch a replay. If they’re being charged as well during this process I doubt many will support this suggestion. To me this idea needs a lot of tweaking before the positives outweigh the negatives.

You can exempt TC members from that then.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Chuck - 2024-07-15 06:33

I've been thinking about this for a while but really have no idea how to solve it without introducing many new problems.
And about how much money are we talking here? How much money do you wanna charge per minute of parking? 1€, 10€, 100€ ?
And who's gonna set the price? The owner? Or is it a fixed value?
The whole price calculation, and display would become more complex than necessary.
Imagine one owner sets 3€/km + 5€/min, the next one has 2€/km + 6€/min.
Absolute mayhem that would be. And then for what? That you earn 100€ more per day?
Hardly worth the effort. And then, how often does it actually happen?
If you see renting as business, you have to take a few risks. And one is that people just park with it.

But nevertheless, you have one option on your hand. If it's one person that repeatedly causes this issue, you can set the rent price for him to zero. So he wont be able to rent the car anymore.

RE: Charging for parking with rental cars. - Ali - 2024-07-15 07:13

(2024-07-15 06:33)Chuck Wrote:  But nevertheless, you have one option on your hand. If it's one person that repeatedly causes this issue, you can set the rent price for him to zero. So he wont be able to rent the car anymore.

If this is not going to be abused, if we don't want a player to use a tool, can you create a section to block them (based on the mentioned topic) How about blocking them for 1 day or as long as we want (not too long)?