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What would be the best option - Printable Version

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What would be the best option - fillakilla12 - 2024-07-15 14:03

Lately Chuck has removed a thing from our existence we all cherished and loved.
We had a goal, a thing to reach and only something that we could look forward to.
Now with this being gone the game does not feel rewarding anymore.

I am talking about the bonus system of course.
Sure this has been compensated in the form of +1 on the cycle, but with the cap being +5 already this feels pointless to some cars and not rewarding in the end.

We all loved seeing ourselves get a bonus and striving for that feeling of "Just one more bonus before bed".

So please vote above what would be the best option or what you would like to see done.
If anything else please feel free to add to this post with suggestions.

RE: What would be the best option - KooKoo - 2024-07-15 14:22

There was a bonus system before the one that got removed that was very rewarding. That bonus system made the gameplay much more addicting.

I don’t know when exactly it got removed because I stopped playing in 2018 until 2024.

RE: What would be the best option - 7mar - 2024-07-15 16:26

bring back the old bonus system and also bring back the +6

RE: What would be the best option - GT4tube - 2024-07-15 22:28

If lost trip (OOB)
With bonus = Angry mode & report
Without bonus = Nothing it's alright

GG 2024!

RE: What would be the best option - Felipe Jardim - 2024-07-16 01:27

I liked the system that we just had, although i wouldn't mind the old system with the safeguards that chuck put in the previous system. a +6 cap wouldn't be a bad idea either.

RE: What would be the best option - fillakilla12 - 2024-07-16 07:02

With how within a day the reactions obviously show that the new system is not what we want or we seek a more fair compensation just states how unnecessary or unwanted this update was. We understand that code must be better and smaller as too much can cause a clutter. But this update was not something that should've been made.

14 people voted to receive something new so far compared to 2 people that would like to keep the system that is there now.

If anything we also just seek more answers other than the answers provided on why the old system wasn't just kept as this was perfect the way it was for many. It was rewarding, interesting and only positive.

RE: What would be the best option - Marty_Deslions - 2024-07-16 08:52

+6 cap instead of +5 would be better imo.

And for trip, it may be better to have that old system where people are encouraged to enter pits/spec when they are in a safezone, rather than anywhere on the track since they lose their trip no matter what.
And for trip bonusses, maybe abit less bonus? Or only a bonus after each 50km than 25km. So you still earn abit more from driving itself.

So yea, more income when driving, less income from bonusses, but able to keep trip.

RE: What would be the best option - RedJohn - 2024-07-16 20:35

The best option is to let stuff like they used to be, simple and beautiful and very fun. All the major updates about pitting and bonus system were not needed and made the game boring.