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Bonus system idea - Printable Version

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Bonus system idea - TheStigUSA - 2024-07-15 14:19

Copying over some thoughts shared in Discord for discussion and review here.

I'd like to add my voice to sharing I miss bonuses too. Getting bonuses from chasing long trips were incentivizing and created sort of a minigame to passively play, plus having intake restriction had a direct component to generating larger bonus.

I always found the growth cap at 1000km was too short, as it's not terribly difficult to get a trip going that is larger than this. Trips over this distance should get continually growing bonus values, in my opinion.

An idea for us to think about - if one does accomplish a large trip, they are incentivized with large bonuses which are fed by a linear multiplier, which has no growth cap over time - so if someone really can get to a 100,000km trip, they are awarded commensurate for their struggle to get there.

This also means re-instating the previously long held system of using safezones to safely save your trips.
There would also be the same system of, if you lose your trip, it's gone. This is a risk, a 'cost of doing business', to getting those huge bonuses after huge distances, but if you get those big distances, you should be rewarded.

Say for example a system like this:

Bonus base value is a flat 10 euros no matter what, but is modified by a multiplier which grows over time and has no cap on its growth.

-> At 100 km, base 10 and mult 1 = 10 euro bonus
-> At 1000, base 10 and mult 10 = 100 euro
-> At 10,000, base 10 and mult 100 = 1000 euro
-> At 100,000, base 10 and mult 1000 = 10,000 euro
and if someone really gets there,
-> At 1 million km, base 10 and mult 10,000 = 100,000 euro.

People will be able to make a lot of bonus money, but _only_ after a significant trip distance has been achieved. It incentivizes putting in the work to get those large incremental payments.

Bonus would be awarded every 100 km. People also like to see a larger number in their bonus area, this helps push us along and get excited.

Impressive trips should get impressive bonus. And, since trip distance is then so much more valuable, one might think people will be more careful to help ensure people don't lose their trips.

RE: Bonus system idea - Felipe Jardim - 2024-07-16 01:32

Not a bad idea, but the safeguards set by chuck should be put on there, such as losing connection, or getting yeeted out of bounds by some 7mar.

So how often would this multiplier change? like at 200km it would be base 10 and multi 20?

RE: Bonus system idea - fillakilla12 - 2024-07-16 07:10

I do like this idea, but it would need also some more safeguarding the higher km you have.
Obviously you can't be earning 100k each time you drive 100 km after 1 million km. Sure the chances of you ever hitting 1 million KM is so low that you're higher of jumping off a building after being set on fire by a dragon fly that is carrying a match into a pool of acid. but I'd say you'd be able to earn it after every 10000 km or so after that point.
Think that's more fair if anything.
It's a bit slow from the beginning but once you get to those points it will feel more rewarding.

This of course paired with the safeguarding chuck has added in the latest update would make it acceptable too. But of course he'd have to add back the fact that trips can be saved.