[TC] Gaming Forums
Discord Ban - Printable Version

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Discord Ban - UserTim - 2024-08-12 12:16

Your LFS Username: RandomWater (discord:.tim1st)

Time & Date of Incident: 12th August 12:50 Eastern European Summer Time

Screenshot Link: Attachment Below ( friend, send screenshot)

You are reading this because of my discord unban and here is why: I was warned and kicked for using Admin channel for things that shouldn't be there, now i know why shouldn't reply randomly to random messages ,If you would give me another chance it would help me lot's! Even though i understand not to mess with channel's. Hopefully i can still be a good discord member of TC!.

RE: Discord Ban - BP - 2024-08-12 12:19

Unbanned. Please only use helpdesk if you're looking for help.