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TC Today - SIMOX - 2024-08-23 07:24

So i get kicked from discord for speaking thruth, im gonna talk here then if you wish.

I don't know why you have to keep reminding me why i never supported TC servers. Everytime i would consider it, something dumb happens, whether new insim updates that ruin fun, powertrippy admins or layouts that make no sense.

Why you trying to kill the fun? Driving in real life is less restrictive. This is supposed to be a game after all. Also the fact that some admins micro managing discord server because they want to "feel powerfull", probably doesnt have anything else going on in their miserable life. Look at LFS unofficial discord server, moderators dont micro manage their discord because they arent kids. Manually deleting harmless gifs i can maybe understand, pointless but you do you. But deleting simple "hi" message? That is some nonsense right there. And i know who did it and i would seriously consider demoting him or kicking from TC admins because he aint worthy.

You dont gain any "respect" for acting like this so idk what you trying to achieve apart from pissing everyone off.

RE: TC Today - Ras - 2024-08-23 07:45

We are sorry you feel this way. We hope you find a place that better suits your needs.


RE: TC Today - Marty_Deslions - 2024-08-23 08:18

I don't know what drama happened with Simox on discord to get him banned, but regarding tc in general, I kinda understand Simox' frustration. In these last weeks I haven't played much on tc (or lfs rather) myself alot. So when I returned I sort of got to look at the whole tc thing from a different perspective, pretty interesting actually, would recommend. There is this whole issue thing with what to do when a person drives ww and how he/she should be punished/restricted and all, which is understandable because it negatively effects others. But now that also the radar camera thing has been implemented its kinda annoying. I mean, speeding and breaking the law is the name of the game right? What's the fun in automaticly just taking a speeders money without a chase? For me, this just makes it way less fun.
And why gifs get deleted from main channels in tc discord I also do not really know. I mean if it's not offending anyone, what's the harm? Shouldn't it be a fun community where people could come to hangout and chill and have fun? Why so strict?

Ps.: fyi, I don't regret becoming a premium member by supporting. Overall I still really appreciate the tc servers and the community. It's just that some decisions from the team lately could be considered somewhat questionable.

RE: TC Today - Ali - 2024-08-23 09:27

That's what you pay for in real life, Marty.
That's not the point, by the way.

RE: TC Today - Robis - 2024-08-23 11:48

(2024-08-23 07:45)Ras Wrote:  We are sorry you feel this way. We hope you find a place that better suits your needs.


Just proves that he (simox) is right.

RE: TC Today - BP - 2024-08-23 11:52

Quote:probably doesnt have anything else going on in their miserable life

Speak for yourself Biggrin

Also, the irony of you thinking an admin has gone too far by deleting a message and suggesting they should be kicked from the entire team for this!

There's constructive criticism, and then there's this. That's why Ras has responded in that way. Pretty much no point engaging with this.

RE: TC Today - SIMOX - 2024-08-23 12:10

Should i file a formal report then? Because at this point anyone can get in TC team and start trolling and you see that as ok?

RE: TC Today - BP - 2024-08-23 12:13

If you think a forum report would be more useful than this whining thread then yeah probably.

RE: TC Today - SIMOX - 2024-08-23 12:20

Whining.. Its sad that you don't see constructive criticizm, only gets ofended by simple statement.
Now let me ask where the hell is discord server link on this site? Because there is none

RE: TC Today - BP - 2024-08-23 12:26

Your attitude is very poor. I can only hope it improves.

If you think this is constructive, that is genuinely concerning.

Thread locked. Try again if you want, but please improve the way you talk to others.

Also, as you're banned from our Discord server you are not welcome to join it - with any account.