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+ [Excessive Force, Ramming] sametttpe - isaac68ea (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Printable Version

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+ [Excessive Force, Ramming] sametttpe - isaac68ea (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Ghutra - 2024-09-30 22:22

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: ibtasim6781

Their LFS Username(s): sametttpe, isaac68ea
Their In-game Nickname(s):[COP] samet`†, RedノRob[COP]

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 2024/09/30
Time of Incident: 20:05pm UTC time

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
2:29.10 - I don't even know what road law I broke here that got him to U-Turn and speed excessively with no lights nor sirens to initiate chase. Nonetheless i decided to run anyways
2:29:43 - Lights and sirens come on as he is finally able to !chase
2:46:19.54 - Starts this kind of pushing that ends up heavily damaging my car (LF shocker collapsed)
3:02:15.32 - Squeezes me against the barrier, causes more damage
3:07:11.45-3:07:19 - After the PIT he keeps pushing me despite me barely moving, almost making me flip again, and after that, one on the rear. Just like at 2:46:19
3:15 - Again, like at 3:07, except now he uses more force to crash into me after the PIT.
3:16:20 - Did a push on samet's front to make him spin, and lost control of the car making me go left and made him fly. In hindsight I can see why they would do what followed, but still not an excuse
3:16:25 - Rob follows up with excessively (almost ramming) pushing me against the wall or object behind
3:16:32 - samet rams me up against the wall making me flip, causing more damage
3:16:45 - again the same as 3:16:25
3:17:19 - Rob aims at me, heavy side hit, again making more damage
3:20:22 - Rob squeezes me against the barrier, causes heavy damage again
3:21:56-57 - samet pushes me almost making me crash into traffic
3:24:02 - Rob speeds up and rear ends me
3:24:49-50 - samet squeezes me against the barrier, making me almost flip

To make this a fair report, I will point out two timestamps
2:55:40 - I ignored sirens to which I,
1st - Should have acknowledged
2nd - Should have slowed down accordingly
I take full responsibility of this and the consequences it can fall upon.

3:16:20 - Perhaps a debatable move, but I wasn't expecting my car to lunge left and make him fly

Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages:
During and after the chase they were dismissive, obviously blaming my ping. They had no desire to acknowledge what they did, and they have been here long enough to know what is and isn't allowed. Talking to them was like talking to a wall.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://www.mediafire.com/file/hfop5fl4ou7jept/FE1X_25R-samet-rob-rams.mpr/file


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread?

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Wilczek. - Wilczek - 2024-09-30 23:03

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

Because the replay is 3 (and almost a half) hours long, it may take longer for me to reply compared to my previous forum report replies. I apologize for any inconvenience.

RE: [Excessive Force, Ramming] sametttpe - isaac68ea - Ghutra - 2024-10-01 01:05

(2024-09-30 23:03)Wilczek Wrote:  
This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

Because the replay is 3 (and almost a half) hours long, it may take longer for me to reply compared to my previous forum report replies. I apologize for any inconvenience.
No probs Thumbup1Thumbup1

RE: [Excessive Force, Ramming] sametttpe - isaac68ea - Samet - 2024-10-01 11:08

2:29.10 - 2:29:43 - I tried to laser fast, but the distance wasn't enough. And the reason I followed you was because you did wrong way J11 Dead Man's Crest before fly.

2:46:19.54 - I tried as meticulous pit manoeuvres as I could because ghutra's connection was not good but because his car was light and because it was a result that even I did not expect, I wrote ‘wtf’ in the chat because I was surprised and I thought it was because of his connection. my aim was to throw him on the grass and slow him down so that the police behind would come and together we would try to stop the suspect. i apologise if it was my fault because it looked very different when it was happening. When I interfere with ghutra due to ping and light weight vehicle, undesirable things can happen.

2:57:00 - that was a really hard hit on my door...

3:02:15.32 - I was trying to stop you with a box manoeuvre.

3:07:11.45-3:07:19 - knowing that you can barely move on the grass and because I was alone in the chase, I was going to push you into the grass and tactically push you into the barriers on the right side to immobilise you, but I couldn't do it.

3:07.47 - I tried to take him on the grass, but it's skidding as if someone had hit it at 200 km/h, probably because of the connection.

3.12.50 - hitting my door again.

3:15 - I apologise for my own hit, I tried to hit the rear fender, it was a pretty bad hit (I want to say that what appears in the mpr and what happens in live time are not exactly the same.)

3:15:20 - hitting my door again.

3:23:50 - hitting my door again.

3:24:49-50 - he did same thing again pushing into barrier hard, like did at 3:16:20

RE: [Excessive Force, Ramming] sametttpe - isaac68ea - Wilczek - Yesterday 22:15

Hello, sorry for the delay.

MPR Notes:

Quote:2:46:19.54 - Starts this kind of pushing that ends up heavily damaging my car (LF shocker collapsed)
Trying to make the suspect spin by hitting their wheel or bumpers (when they are driving a light car) is a valid strategy. I am convinced that the weird behavior where you got launched and landed on the grass, was caused by a ping spike/high ping.

Quote:2:55:40 - I ignored sirens to which I,
1st - Should have acknowledged
2nd - Should have slowed down accordingly
Correct. However, Ghutra did not damage the cop or the suspect. Because Ghutra didn't cause any issue and made a U-turn upon realization, I consider this an accident. Be careful next time.

Quote:3:02:15.32 - Squeezes me against the barrier, causes more damage
In this case, it's within the confines of server rules. However, these kind of "squeezes" can easily break the rules at high speed or when more force is used.

  • If you make contact with a suspect and they hit a barrier/wall BUT you are no longer touching them, it's a dirty tactic but allowed.
  • If you are still touching/hitting the suspect when they hit a barrier, and the barrier hit is a direct result of your contact, it is not allowed.

There is an exception to the second one, it is when no significant damage is caused.

Quote:3:07:11.45-3:07:19 - After the PIT he keeps pushing me despite me barely moving, almost making me flip again, and after that, one on the rear. Just like at 2:46:19
Unnecessary pushing, didn't cause significant damage though.

Quote:3:15 - Again, like at 3:07, except now he uses more force to crash into me after the PIT.
In this case, after the PIT, Samet should slow down to avoid hitting the suspect again.
After Samet's hits, Rob made one miscalculated PIT, and rammed Ghutra once.

Quote:3:16:20 - Did a push on samet's front to make him spin, and lost control of the car making me go left and made him fly. In hindsight I can see why they would do what followed, but still not an excuse
It seems like Ghutra lost control after trying to make Samet crash, either way that is an unacceptable move made by Ghutra, because Samet received lots of damage from the barrel roll.

Quote:3:16:25 - Rob follows up with excessively (almost ramming) pushing me against the wall or object behind
Rob was hitting you multiple times towards the barrier or wall behind. One issue here though, a little bit too much force in those hits - very likely amplified by ping, so I'll give the benefit of the doubt here.

Quote:3:16:32 - samet rams me up against the wall making me flip, causing more damage
Samet hitting your side at 40-50 kph while Rob was blocking you resulted in a flip. That was very unnecessary, and is excessive force. Could be considered revenge ramming keeping in mind 3:16:20.

Quote:3:16:45 - again the same as 3:16:25
This is completely fine. One small push towards the wall behind, followed by a block.

Quote:3:17:19 - Rob aims at me, heavy side hit, again making more damage
Excessive force used by Rob. That's undoubtedly a ram.

Quote:3:20:22 - Rob squeezes me against the barrier, causes heavy damage again
Ghutra hit the barrier as a direct result of Rob's contact, therefore it's not allowed.

Quote:3:21:56-57 - samet pushes me almost making me crash into traffic
Dangerous one, but small mistake.

Quote:3:24:02 - Rob speeds up and rear ends me
Unacceptable rear hit by Rob.

Quote:3:24:49-50 - samet squeezes me against the barrier, making me almost flip
As explained before under 3:02:15.32, this is not allowed.
Bad move from Samet.


Nobody involved in this report was ideal during the chase.
Ghutra as a suspect made some bad moves, few bad hits from Samet and Rob ramming.
Ping should never be an excuse. If the suspect has high ping, COP's should adjust their usage of force, so it does not end in a disaster.

Moving on to the final part:

ibtasim6781 - Warning for using excessive force against COPs in chase.
sametttpe - COP License suspension for 7 days, for using excessive force against the suspect in chase.
isaac68ea - Revocation of COP Rights and License for 14 days. After 14 days pass, basic training must be passed to regain COP rights.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.