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+ In-Chase and Non-Chase Rule Violation (Report Archived by Vilix) - Printable Version

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+ In-Chase and Non-Chase Rule Violation (Report Archived by Vilix) - embedded - Yesterday 16:43

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: Naked.41

Their LFS Username(s): zaidejaslt
Their In-game Nickname(s): [COP] kaza`†

Incident Information

Date of Incident: 1 October 2024
Time of Incident: About 19.00 GMT+3

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): 1:12.17 - User using wrong way as police.
1:15:45 User speeding as police.
1:27:10 - User pushing me first time.
1:28:30 - User hitting me second time and i lost control.
Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages: We talked at cop chat. I don't have any screenshots of conversation. But the user argued that this was not a violation of the rules and that overtaking was free.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://we.tl/t-irOJjjFz8L


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? Yes.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Vilix. - Vilix - Yesterday 20:12

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: In-Chase and Non-Chase Rule Violation - Vilix - Yesterday 21:21

Hello, here are my comments on the MPR timestamps:

1:12.17: While brief, this is still a dangerous spot to wrong-way as oncoming traffic can suddenly appear. Not acceptable for cops.

1:15:45: zaidejaslt is speeding as he passes another cop who's following the actual speed limit. Again, while it was brief it is still not allowed for cops, as they are expected to follow road laws at all times.

1:27:10: This contact was very small, and the corner after zaidejaslt apologized for the second hit. No issues here.

1:28:30: This hit should have been avoidable. It shows a lack of restraint or care for other cops and is not acceptable.

1:29:41: Naked.41 rams Samet and nearly crashes him into a bus stop. I'm failing to see a valid reason. You should never ram other cops, especially in your chase, not appropriate behavior.

Overall, neither person is innocent here. zaidejaslt will receive a confirmable warning to remind them to follow road laws and to be more patient in a chase to avoid crashing or bumping into other cops. Naked.41 will also receive a confirmable warning for ramming another cop in a chase for malicious reasons.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.