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- dino crash ww (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Printable Version

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- dino crash ww (Report Archived by Wilczek) - B.Çakır - 2024-10-06 14:59

Users Involved
Your LFS Username: E-30 King

Their LFS Username(s): hsvdn0
Their In-game Nickname(s): [OK]C®ashDealer

Incident Information
Date of Incident: 06.10.2024
Time of Incident:

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):

25:06 comes the wrong way and causes an accident. I try to avoid the accident but I crash because my car skids.
After the accident he apologises and continues driving.
25:14 He writes to me ‘Don't point the lighter at me’ but he is going the wrong way.
25:28 I don't understand why he wrote that so I put a question mark and he sarcastically says ‘If you have a question, try making a sentence instead?’.
25:54 The Japon tells him that he should use the right side ‘try right side dino Biggrin’ again he sarcastically responds by writing ‘no ty japanese’.
26:01 again finds me guilty and writes ‘tell your friend not to target people’.
26:14 I just write ‘really’. He says ‘apparently he doesn't speak English’ and tries to make fun of me.
27:05 I say ‘you come on ww and say you targeted people good joke’ and again he doesn't admit his mistake and writes ‘yes you targeted me’.
27:29 His teammate jardim writes ‘don't worry he will be banned soon’ I don't understand this.
27:36 ‘you could have passed like the Japanese but no you chose to crash’ ‘so don't complain now’ I guess he thinks I'm the one going the wrong way.
30:20 The Japon writes to him ‘it could be because you went the wrong way’, ‘he doesn't have to cover up your mistake’. again he says that I prefer to crash. ‘it could also be because he prefers to crash instead of not crashing’
30:40 ‘he sees me and completely bumps into me why? doesn't he have a brain?’ he writes and mocks. (I tried to record but my car was sliding)
32:12 the Japon replies ‘why don't you drive on the right side, don't you have a brain?’.
32:20 He refuses to admit his mistake and continues to blame me. ‘Why drive on the right if you can drive on the left?’
32:41 Jardim mocks the Japon. ‘BRO just sell all your money back to Dino.’
32:41 dino mocks the late response. ‘it takes 2 minutes for them to translate what I wrote and 2 minutes for them to reply’

Replay / Screenshot Link(s): [img][Image: C9AHMuT.png][/img]

[img][Image: JLY4NZr.png][/img]

[img][Image: nEm2uq8.png][/img]

[img][Image: M0pGE3R.png][/img]


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? Yes

RE: dino crash ww - Dino - 2024-10-06 16:32

H O S G E L D I N I Z / Welcome

Sorry, from ingame it looked like you were aiming for me. Looked at the replay now, apparently it was a drift indeed and u weren't steering to the right (into me).

However, I noticed you received no car damage (also not visually) while I got a big hit, apparently due to the ping difference.

Since you also write
(2024-10-06 14:59)B.Çakır Wrote:  After the accident he apologises and continues driving.

What exactly are you reporting me for?

Furthermore, since japon replied for you I assumed you don't speak english, how is it making fun of you? And also, please copy/paste my actual messages instead of something you make up (I called him japon, not japanese guy etc.)

Thanks/TESSEKÜRLER in advance abi

RE: dino crash ww - Felipe Jardim - 2024-10-06 16:49

Why am i being mentioned here if im not included in the report?

Please remove me unless you are filing a complaint agaisnt me. There is also an email like i can send you in game about complaints. Tslm/eyw

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Wilczek. - Wilczek - 2024-10-06 22:04

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: dino crash ww - NGUXJAPON - Yesterday 21:29

(2024-10-06 16:32)Dino Wrote:  Since you also write
(2024-10-06 14:59)B.Çakır Wrote:  After the accident he apologises and continues driving.

What exactly are you reporting me for?

i think there is a translation error here. You are not apologizing on the MPR. and you keep making fun of it. if you had apologized, we would not be reading about this.


RE: dino crash ww - Wilczek - Yesterday 22:02


I find this report quite petty.

One crash that didn't cause much damage or affect anyone's gameplay negatively, escalated to both sides arguing.

Dino, all you had to do is apologize. After all, you were wrong way, and Cakir didn't intentionally hit you. You didn't have to escalate the situation with sarcastic responses.

Cakir and Japon, I really appreciate the attempt to talk to a rule breaker, but please don't make it worse while doing so. If you see that the rule breaker doesn't care that they broke a rule or responds to you in a bad way, you may let an admin know using !tc. There were three admins online at the time.

I won't take any action against anyone here, as it's a very minor crash.

No action has been taken as explained
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.