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+ Cops ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Printable Version

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+ Cops ramming (Report Archived by Wilczek) - alptigin41 - 2024-10-10 17:19

Users Involved
Your LFS Username: alptigin41

Their LFS Username(s): kaanndarii - zaidejaslt - thePoNcZeK -
Their In-game Nickname(s): S7A ı kaan [COP] - S7A ı kaza [COP] - RDP•Pon[COP] -

Incident Information
Date of Incident: 10.10.2024
Time of Incident: 18:40 gmt+3

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
1:02:05 hits a stationary car at 80 km/h (kaanndarii)
1:00:00 he hits me right behind at 80 km/h(zaidejaslt)
1:04:54 ramming me with 120/kmh full acceleration (kaanndarii)
1:06:56 hitting me from behind with no reason, i was almost stopped, it wasn't a pit maneveur or something, basicly meanless ramming, and then another hit into my t bone,he was also flipping other police car. (thePoNcZeK)
1:07:00 They squeeze me against the barrier and as if that wasn't enough, they push me towards the barrier by ramming me
1:15:25: another t bone ramming ((kaanndarii)
1:15:27 hitting the front hood at 80 kmh (thePoNcZeK)
1:16:50 he accelerates as fast as he can and hits my T-bone area again, pushing me into the barriers. (kaanndarii)

There was too much to fit here, but to summarize, the RDP cops generally followed the rules and had a respectful chase, but the other two, S7A, took things out of control, I felt like a ball during part of the chase (especially 1:09:00-1:11:00), they literally played ball by throwing me around. I am aware that I drive a heavy and powerful car, when I accidentally knocked down a cop, I calmly waited for them to fix it. They shouldn't do a chase like this just because i drive a heavy car. I hope those named S7A don't continue to play as cops or get good police training..

Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://we.tl/t-2UTGBSz0o2

Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? YES

RE: Cops ramming - Kazanova - 2024-10-10 17:25

First of all, you flipped ALI and ponczcek minimum 5 times, and your ''waiting tactic'' was to cool down tyres. Second of all, begging of the chase i was calm with you until you got confidence in your vehicle and started ramming my backup.

I''ll fully take responsibility for my actions, but leaders of the servers must do something with this crazy mod xd

''hey literally played ball by throwing me around''
Brother, have u seen what car u were using? 2k+ ton 1000hp awd bmw wich cannot be unstopabble in any cicurmstances.

''he RDP cops generally followed the rules and had a respectful chase,''

And then u start blaming ponzcek at 1:15:27 : 1:06:56 ?

In other words, i would want too see you in our position and see what you would do against suspect with that car.

RE: Cops ramming - Schmitz - 2024-10-10 17:35

First of all, you rammed me and my other police friends towards the barrier. The reason why I hit you fast was because your car was extremely powerful, heavy and had 4-wheel drive, so a normal pit shot would not affect you. So, I accelerated a little more and hit you. Also, you caused my police friends' and my car to flip over many times (ramming). ) Since there was already a ping problem, everything appeared twice as much as it should have been. If you look at the MPR, you will understand what I mean (the vehicle we were chasing was not a normal vehicle). I may have hit it hard a few times, other than that, I don't think I have any other faults.

RE: Cops ramming - alptigin41 - 2024-10-10 17:57

Hello, I'm not here to argue with you, let's leave it to the admins on duty.

(2024-10-10 17:35)Schmitz Wrote:  First of all, you rammed me and my other police friends towards the barrier. The reason why I hit you fast was because your car was extremely powerful, heavy and had 4-wheel drive, so a normal pit shot would not affect you. So, I accelerated a little more and hit you. Also, you caused my police friends' and my car to flip over many times (ramming). ) Since there was already a ping problem, everything appeared twice as much as it should have been. If you look at the MPR, you will understand what I mean (the vehicle we were chasing was not a normal vehicle). I may have hit it hard a few times, other than that, I don't think I have any other faults.

The car I drive does not mean you can ignore the rules, I did not intentionally knock down the cops, in fact you caused most of them. Still, as I stated in my explanation, when the cops knocked down, I waited you to fix it.

The admins will reach the best decision. Your explanation here means nothing to anyone.

(2024-10-10 17:25)Kazanova Wrote:  First of all, you flipped ALI and ponczcek minimum 5 times, and your ''waiting tactic'' was to cool down tyres. Second of all, begging of the chase i was calm with you until you got confidence in your vehicle and started ramming my backup.

I''ll fully take responsibility for my actions, but leaders of the servers must do something with this crazy mod xd

''hey literally played ball by throwing me around''
Brother, have u seen what car u were using? 2k+ ton 1000hp awd bmw wich cannot be unstopabble in any cicurmstances.

''he RDP cops generally followed the rules and had a respectful chase,''

And then u start blaming ponzcek at 1:15:27 : 1:06:56 ?

In other words, i would want too see you in our position and see what you would do against suspect with that car.

RE: Cops ramming - ThePonczeK - 2024-10-10 18:12

Your car is simply unstoppable even with crash mod i bet, so yes i used too much force because the fact that a normal pit manouver was simply impossible and a clean chase with you is simply impossible (goin in circles offroad etc) it was so extremely annyoing that i indeed went too far with my driving, sorry if you didnt like my way of chasing you, wont happen again because i wont get on cop again.

RE: Cops ramming - alptigin41 - 2024-10-10 18:21

Thank you for realizing what you did and apologizing. I am so tired of these "violent crashes" that happen to me every time I drive a heavy car. And these days there is a perception that "if it is a heavy car, we can do whatever we want". It has become very annoying. Anyway, thank you for your understanding

(2024-10-10 18:12)ThePonczeK Wrote:  Your car is simply unstoppable even with crash mod i bet, so yes i used too much force because the fact that a normal pit manouver was simply impossible and a clean chase with you is simply impossible (goin in circles offroad etc) it was so extremely annyoing that i indeed went too far with my driving, sorry if you didnt like my way of chasing you, wont happen again because i wont get on cop again.

RE: Cops ramming - Frozen - 2024-10-10 19:24

Locked until an administrator takes care of it.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Wilczek. - Wilczek - 2024-10-11 22:10

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Cops ramming - Wilczek - 2024-10-12 18:13

Hello. I watched the full chase to get a good picture of what happened.

What's interesting is that alptigin41 is NOT innocent.
I have to bring up a few timestamps:

At 42:06, zaidejaslt hit alptigin41's wheel and started braking, to minimize damage from the barrier hit. That hit caused NO damage to alptigin41's car, yet they rammed zaidejaslt for it. Doing a P.I.T maneuver that results in a barrier hit and deliberately pushing against a barrier are not the same thing.

At 48:57, alptigin41 intentionally rammed & flipped kaanndarii over. Kaan didn't break rules with that P.I.T and block, looks like that's what they rammed them for. That's a unreasonable ram.

Bit of a hard rear hit by zaidejaslt at 55:24.

At 57:17, alptigin41 flipped zaidejaslt. Apologized for, and didn't cause suspension damage.

Another hard hit by zaidejaslt at 58:20.

Moving on to the timestamps described by alptigin41:

Quote:1:00:00 he hits me right behind at 80 km/h(zaidejaslt)
Kaza slowed down and apologized for the hit. Still, these kind of hits should be avoided.

Quote:1:02:05 hits a stationary car at 80 km/h (kaanndarii)
Bad hit by kaanndarii, hitting the suspect with that much speed could end much worse.

Quote:1:04:54 ramming me with 120/kmh full acceleration (kaanndarii)
Wheel hit, with a lot of speed. Borderline ramming.

Quote:1:06:56 hitting me from behind with no reason, i was almost stopped, it wasn't a pit maneveur or something, basicly meanless ramming, and then another hit into my t bone,he was also flipping other police car. (thePoNcZeK)
Unreasonable ram by thePoNcZeK.

Quote:1:07:00 They squeeze me against the barrier and as if that wasn't enough, they push me towards the barrier by ramming me
Considering the fact alptigin41 was driving a pretty heavy and extremely powerful car, that was a reasonable attempt to bust the suspect.
A few seconds later, alptigin41 received damage from the barrier when trying to escape.
I won't take any action for this.

At 1:12:38, zaidejaslt hit alptigin41's rear at 80-90kph. That's considered ramming.

At 1:13:18, barrier ram by thePoNcZeK.

Quote:1:15:25: another t bone ramming ((kaanndarii)
1:15:27 hitting the front hood at 80 kmh (thePoNcZeK)
Kaanndarii's hit doesn't really break the rules, it's dirty tactic though. On the other side, thePoNcZeK's hit was excessive.

Quote:1:16:50 he accelerates as fast as he can and hits my T-bone area again, pushing me into the barriers. (kaanndarii)
Unacceptable hit by kaanndarii.


This chase was one big mess. Alptigin41 should use force responsibly when going against cops that are using vehicles much lighter than theirs. As attempts to bust the suspect were futile, cops were encouraged to use more force - breaking the rules.

kaanndarii, zaidejaslt, thePoNcZeK: COP License suspended for 7 days, for using excessive force against the suspect
alptigin41: Warning + 120 minute UF1 restriction for using excessive force against COP's

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.