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tunahan2454 unban request (Granted) - Printable Version

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tunahan2454 unban request (Granted) - tunahan2454 - 2024-12-05 17:31

Your LFS Username: tunahan2454

Time & Date of Incident:I don't remember
Replay / Screenshot Link:none
Replay Timestamps:none

Hello, I was punished for using profanity a while ago, I re-read the rules, I promise that I will not swear, insult or similar actions to anyone from now on, I think this punishment remains for a long time, I would be very happy if it is removed, I cannot communicate with my friends because I do not know a language other than Turkish, I am writing this article using translation, thank you.

RE: tunahan2454 unban request - BP - 2024-12-06 18:03

Your private chat rights will be enabled, but any further violations may result in a permanent revocation of those rights.

Request Granted

Please ensure you read our rules carefully.