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+ Disrespecting , Ramming in Chase - Ross1e (Report Archived by Carl) - Printable Version

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+ Disrespecting , Ramming in Chase - Ross1e (Report Archived by Carl) - QQQ - 2024-12-16 02:33

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:Posyda

Their LFS Username(s):Ross1e
Their In-game Nickname(s):¢½Rose¢½

Incident Information

Date of Incident:2024/12/16
Time of Incident: 4:28 AM (+3 UTC Qatar Time Zone)

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
1:00:19 - Here Ross1e Used excessive force to me to the barrier which made me lose the chase

1:01:01 - here's a hit from ross1e's side

1:04:04 - Here's another forceful T-Bone which caused 5osy to flip over

1:05:39 - here Ross1e Said ''abudu apverciau Biggrin'' which is transalted to ''I turned both over Biggrin'' which is full commitment of the force she/he used to be a ram on purpose and after that you can see his/her mates are saying ''matem xd'' ''zveris'' as in beast and mouring which they are cheerleading her/him for more rams , more one they were gossiping and typing in Lithuanian you can feel free to use google translate for the rest

1:06:29 - Ross1e ; paskuio verika : D ( which is : then cries : D ) basically running rule 1.1 a lot and i'm gonna upload screenshots to the rest

1:06:54 - after i mentioned them both to speak english (Ross1e) replied by ''still crying ?'' , i simply replied by 1.1?
After that the replay ended cause i saved here , i will link the screenshots of them breaking rule 1.1.
Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages:
After the Chase , they kept saying that i'm at fault because '' i was in front of him '' which is not a reason at all to flip a cop , and there's no reason for the disrespect


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):
MPR - https://uploadir.com/93621/2dXUj8HbID
Screenshots Gallery (6 Screenshots) : https://postimg.cc/gallery/fw2bJLZ


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread? Yes

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Carl. - Carl - Yesterday 21:57

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Disrespecting , Ramming in Chase - Ross1e - Carl - Yesterday 22:33

The only worthy impact to note was 1:00:19. The last point of contact 1:04:04 was just unforntunate as [COP] QS.5osy J-turned in front of him as he was driving off. The difference in weight between the vehicles likely had a substantial impact to the outcome of that collision.

Ross1e - warning about his force & to speak English

edvinaxas - 3 day ban for conversing in lithuanian - previously warned and confirmed not to repeat.

jibalonskis - 3 day ban for conversing in lithuanian - previously warned and confirmed not to repeat.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.