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+ Eetzi blocking road (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Printable Version

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+ Eetzi blocking road (Report Archived by Wilczek) - Countess - Yesterday 12:38

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:Countess

Their LFS Username(s):eetz1
Their In-game Nickname(s):Green Energy

Incident Information

Date of Incident:16/12/2024
Time of Incident:I forgot

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):From the begging to something around 4 minutes, Eetzi can be seen blocking road along with another friend (which got punished later on)

Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages:No conversation was done as he clearly knew the rules


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):https://www.mediafire.com/file/uillbwjec6fskoh/eetzi_doing_chaos.mpr/file


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread?Yes

RE: Eetzi blocking road - eetz1 - Yesterday 13:25

so you saying i didnt get punishment? I thought this was already solved with wilczek

RE: Eetzi blocking road - Wilczek - Yesterday 13:42

This was resolved yesterday. Eetz1 and their friend got punished for it.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.