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- Civilian not responding to cop's commands (Report Archived by Batman) - Printable Version

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- Civilian not responding to cop's commands (Report Archived by Batman) - QQQ - 2025-02-01 21:01

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:Posyda

Their LFS Username(s):yasso7up
Their In-game Nickname(s):[SyN] tBug

Incident Information

Date of Incident:2025/2/1
Time of Incident:4PM~ UTC 3+ ( Qatar time zone )

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
1:22:16 - Here to start it off i was going in my lane the Toprat suddenly came from the haunted house which resulted him to flip far away

1:22:42 - and in a second he called tow with danger and i responded to that pretty quickly

1:22:56 - as i came in i saw bunch of people including tBug blocking the way and i did !move , and as i honk i pushed tbug lightly just to get him off the scene and move on so he don't block the road as in 2 cars the damaged car and the cop already enough on the road

1:23:14 - as of honking and clear signs of him to move he kept pushing me and the flipped over car for no reason

1:23:36 - and in here i said move the '''' , and he said rapidly ''-1k'' like he wanted to piss me off on purpose or like that , and i got fined by tc after that shortly

1:23:46 - after ''his pushes'' i did just singular tactical hit that made the car flip back

1:23:55 - i told him '' move out of the way of sirens '' and after telling him that he said '' ur not a medic , u have no siren

1:24:20 - i got pissed off out of him by not giving a care to a cop responding to a call neither the lights are on even tc told him hs breaking the rule 2.1.b

1:24:40 - and here he started saying '' hes crashing into me on purpose (so hes causing drama), after that i was speaking to him about he called the cops t/danger and said ''so?'' , i confronted to him about his ignorance about the sirens / lights were on and !move and he didn't move to it and yet kept saying '' you don't have a priority buddy '' i responded with '' don't contact with the suspect (ment the flipped over) while hes calling us.

Description of your conversation with this user(s) about their conduct, including their reaction to your messages:
in the end i didn't report him just told the staff by !tc out of ongoing situation but he indeed reported me and resulted on me getting a warning for ''insulting'' and hes going away freely? in the least should've be given a warning for breaking rule 2.1.b.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):


Do you confirm that your User Report meets all standards outlined in the User Report Information thread?Yes

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Batman. - Batman - Yesterday 12:41

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Civilian not responding to cop's commands - Yasso7up - Yesterday 13:18

wasnt this case already been dealth with? lol

RE: Civilian not responding to cop's commands - Batman - Yesterday 20:14


Thank you for this report. I'll do my best to clarify everything for you.

Firstly, the warning you received is related to your behavior while chatting with Yasso7up. You were fined at 13:29 UTC, and you continued to use offensive language and display inappropriate behavior 15 minutes after the incident. Yasso7up did not receive any warnings regarding their chat behavior because they did not use profanity or insult anyone, nor did they avoid the swear filter.

Regarding the towing situation:

Quote:4.10 Responding to an SOS call
4.10.a When responding to an SOS call...
4.10.3 Cops do not have priority over other traffic

This means that you do not have priority over traffic while responding to the SOS-call. It is also stated in the MED/RES test (and the COP test, if I'm not mistaken) that you are only allowed to ask someone to move, not demand it.

This report was not really necessary. No action will be taken against Yasso7up.

No action has been taken as explained
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.