[TC] Gaming Forums
Cop Skin Approval (Approved) - Printable Version

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Cop Skin Approval (Approved) - BojanglesSupremes - 2025-02-15 01:55

Image of LFS Car: https://prnt.sc/_bokZaWog27O
Image of Real Car: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52700269042_fd6a27effc_h.jpg

Cop Skin Approval - Grizz - 2025-02-15 02:11


Please could you re-upload your evidence to one of the listed sites here: https://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=20150

The sites listed in that thread are confirmed to be safe.

RE: Cop Skin Approval - Bez - 2025-02-15 04:13

Great work! Nice skin!

Skin Approved
The skin in this thread has been approved and can now be used on the servers!