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Parking Ticket suggestion - Printable Version

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Parking Ticket suggestion - djdok - 2012-08-02 14:24

I have an idea about a parking ticket, and a parking lot which protect ppl from idle kick. The parking ticket should only works in the zone what i marked in picture.

Example: 1 hour idle kick protect = 500 euro
Those ppl who dont have ticket and parking in that zone, can be fined by the cops.

[Image: getfile.php?id=20120802162237oremug&dl=1]

What do you think?

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Ash - 2012-08-02 14:31

I do really like the idea actually, however i think it should be alot more than £500. Needs to be a minimum of £1000 tbh, should be a luxury, not something which anyone can buy at anytime! Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Chuck - 2012-08-02 14:32

The idle kick has administrative reasons and is not a gameplay element, thus it should not take part in the game like that.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Ash - 2012-08-02 14:32

EDIT: And should be valid to all parking areas, not just that one. So:

Hollywood Drive
Safe Zone 2 Slip Road
Highway Two Safe Zone
Simon's Way
Gas Station
Shopping Mall

And there should be a limit to the amount of spaces in each car park/price differences Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - djdok - 2012-08-02 14:40

Yes Ash Smile

And we should delete the idle kick time increasing by km's Biggrin
We should increase idle kick time only by tickets Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - BP - 2012-08-02 14:42

I'm against this suggestion for two reasons. Firstly, if someone wants to go AFK for a while, they should just be able to park up and go AFK as they please. Secondly, the car park gets hardly any use anyway, it will be used even more infrequently if you have to pay. Just my two penneth.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Ras - 2012-08-02 14:43

(2012-08-02 14:40)djdok Wrote:  Yes Ash Smile

And we should delete the idle kick time increasing by km's Biggrin
We should increase idle kick time only by tickets Smile
I actually like that idea. Replacing the automatically increasing idle time with a parking ticket system. That way we would have something more to spend our money on Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - bullet - 2012-08-02 14:51

No thanks, it's good as it is.
Soon everyone will have those 'tickets' and the server will be full of idlers.

I agree with Chuck there.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - KaraK - 2012-08-02 14:59

(2012-08-02 14:51)bullet Wrote:  Soon everyone will have those 'tickets' and the server will be full of idlers.

(2012-08-02 14:24)djdok Wrote:  Example: 1 hour idle kick protect = 500 euro
(2012-08-02 14:32)Ash Wrote:  And there should be a limit to the amount of spaces in each car park/price differences Smile

I like the idea, but it needs some changing before it might be used.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - ChrisM - 2012-08-02 15:03

I think it's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if we need it. I mean, as it is now, the idle kick timer does a good job of getting rid of ice anyways Wink

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Ras - 2012-08-02 15:04

(2012-08-02 14:51)bullet Wrote:  No thanks, it's good as it is.
Soon everyone will have those 'tickets' and the server will be full of idlers.
I dont see how it would change how many is actively driving. People can also idle now, but the idea is to make a fee for longer idle, and it could eventually only be bought after you have a certain amount of km (20 or 50 or whatever) so that you cant go idle for a longer time after 1 km.

It's basically the same as the current idle time system, but turned into a parking ticket system (more realistic)

Of course it needs some tweaking to actually function properly, but the basic idea is good IMO.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Frozen - 2012-08-02 16:58

You are using the idea that already another cruise server wich i wont '' name '' , does already have.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - djdok - 2012-08-02 17:16

(2012-08-02 16:58)Frozen Wrote:  You are using the idea that already another cruise server wich i wont '' name '' , does already have.

I dont know about that, i never cruise other servers lol.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Frozen - 2012-08-02 17:31

Oh , i just check them features Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - ZsoLT - 2012-08-02 17:43

I like it. Smile

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Hasu - 2012-08-02 20:01

I like this

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Chill . - 2012-08-02 20:21

I Like This. Thumbup1

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Kyllone - 2012-08-02 20:30

I like it but what about ppl like me currently, I have around 3k money, I have 10k debt, I will have to buy a new fz5 + a new xfr. Almost impossible currently thinking, but what if I have to pay for parking too in future D:

I like it but it should be somehow again, proggressive if you get it. Rich pay more for it.

Just my thoughts.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Tupex - 2012-08-02 20:30

Good idea.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Piro - 2012-08-02 20:55

Ye, sounds pretty good Smile