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Happy Anniversary - Printable Version

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Happy Anniversary - Street - 2012-08-03 23:05

Ladies and Gentleman,

It is my great pleasure to announce a special anniversary on this day.

A lot of you will not remember this moment, but 5 years ago today, on August 4th 2007, Chuck, our great InSim developer released the first ever version of our InSim on [TC] CityDriving Jamaica and [TC] CityDriving Pro

Whiplash Wrote:whiplash Posted: Aug 4 2007, 05:31 PM
Subject : [TC] Insim Released

I am proud to anounce that we are finally releasing our insim appication, if you encounter any bugs or problems with our script please post HERE

We will be running our insim application on [TC] CityDriving Jamaica and [TC] Citydriving Pro
Our Pro server can only be accesed if you have the correct access rights, you can apply on these forums by posting in the Pro Server Access section

Please enjoy

And so I wish our InSim a very happy anniversary and hope that everyone on our wonderful servers continue to enjoy this incredible creation that has evolved so so much over the years.

Thank you to Chuck and everyone who has had a hand in suggestions, bug fixes and testing.

[TC] CityDriving