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+ Reporting - PTR (Report Archived by BoyPower) - Printable Version

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+ Reporting - PTR (Report Archived by BoyPower) - DaY_WaLkeR_TR - 2012-08-28 15:06

My LFS Username: DaY_WaLkeR.
His LFS Username: ptr7891
Reason: When we were a chase, he went to pitlane and i blocked the front and he pushed and flipped me. Then still running away, didnt stop.

Time 27:50


Reporting - PTR - BP - 2012-08-28 15:08

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Well, this situation is tricky in my opinion. PTR clearly rammed a cop which was in his way, hitting him under 20mph, causing the cop to roll over onto his roof. It's not like he just tried to push him, he clearly reversed and then hit him, almost like rolling him was intentional. I've seen PTR use both the RB4 and the XFR quite a lot so he should have known that would have been the outcome and he did not stop after he overly aggressively tipped the cop. PTR will receive a URS warning because it seemed like it was a calculated ram. If he repeats this in the future he should expect to receive a ban.

And as a side note, I would like to ask SomeOne [COP] to avoid going the wrong way near to where the pit lane starts, and roadblocking the suspect in an unsensible manner. Let this be a warning to you please.

+ Reporting - PTR (Report Archived by BoyPower) - BP - 2012-08-28 15:37

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.