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First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Printable Version

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First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Chuck - 2012-08-29 13:17

One upon a time, in a small town somewhere in England... Smile

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - BP - 2012-08-29 13:22

"Stupid virgin"
"You are.... moron"

Love it.

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - KaraK - 2012-08-29 13:38

hahaha, that's amazing :']

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Cola - 2012-08-29 13:48

Haha, great Tongue

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Sinoco - 2012-08-29 17:56

That was hilarious...

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Zipppy - 2012-08-29 19:17

Nope, the game is this.


RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Tupex - 2012-08-29 20:00

hah good Smile

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Johan. - 2012-08-29 20:46



RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - GKA - 2012-08-30 16:56

Won't that technically also be the first Let's Play? If it was real of course Tongue

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Chris21 - 2012-08-30 21:08

Some viewers on Youtube mean that this is a fake. What do u think?

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Sinoco - 2012-08-30 21:23

(2012-08-30 21:08)Chris21 Wrote:  Some viewers on Youtube mean that this is a fake. What do u think?

Top comment...

Quote:This is a fake......There is a door in the video and doors were not invented untill 1996.

Seems legit.

RE: First Ever Gamer Freakout From 1989? - Zipppy - 2012-08-31 00:56

It is fake. just some crazy fan of the real game (real version of this Demake) made it look super "legit" with a retro camcorder.