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Unban request (Unban Request Denied by BoyPower) - Printable Version

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Unban request (Unban Request Denied by BoyPower) - Hasu - 2012-09-29 16:45

- Your LFS Username: -Hasu-

- Time & Date of Incident 27/9

- Replay / Screenshot Link: Nope
- Replay Timestamps: Nope

- Reasons as to why you think you deserve an unban and why you feel your unban request was unfairly denied: I got 20 day ban For the involvement of a ramfest. I know what i did wrong.
I didnt actually ramm. I did one little ''Hard'' hit to Naw's right rear.

RE: Unban request - BP - 2012-09-29 16:57

Hey Hasu.

You helped Roba block + you pitted S_Trucker. I have not granted anyone an unban or ban shorten who was involved in this fest, and you won't be any different, I'm afraid. The whole incident was really silly and I want you to learn your lesson with this, especially as you have URS entries for ramming.

~ BP

Unban Request Denied