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+ Report - Corey-21 (Report Archived by Ash) - Printable Version

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+ Report - Corey-21 (Report Archived by Ash) - A.valdok - 2012-12-17 18:35

● Your LFS Username: 3lvis

● Their LFS Username(s): Corey-21
● Their LFS GameName(s): [CSR] Corey

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link:
Blinked him, and wanted to let him pass.


Replay is here: end of the replay.

● Replay Timestamps: 17-12-2012 at 8.20 PM

He came with speed 160km + (in 100km zone he had a 120km+) and i wanted to let him pass me, because im slower car.
If i goes with no gas and no brake, he didnt pass and when i blinked and then softly braked, he rammed me.
That called "tailgating" btw.

Didnt say even sorry. Just argued that i braked to hard, Cmon, look replay please.

Best regards, Anvar.

Report - Corey-21 - Ash - 2012-12-17 18:36

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report - Corey-21 - Corey - 2012-12-17 19:04

[CSR] Corey sent 500€ to AnvarV
I sent him that so he could Shift+P and he never said thanks, then he logged off and logged back in.

RE: Report - Corey-21 - Ash - 2012-12-17 19:07

I will be issuing a warning for this report.

He was tailgaiting you which i agree is wrong. However it did seem a bit unnecessary for you to literally 100% brake all of a sudden for no apparent reason? Also "dafuk" is classed as a derogatory term.

Corey will be issued with an official warning to keep his distance in future and apologize for any accidents in future.



Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.