[TC] Gaming Forums
[TC] Training Team News! - Printable Version

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[TC] Training Team News! - Cal - 2011-11-01 15:54

Hello, we are pleased to announce the [TC] Forum is now also the [TC] Training Forum, merged together. You will find the new area >Here< We hope you enjoy this change. The Training Team has had some team changes:

Please welcome back Stephen [T] as a Supervisor for the training team.

Please also congratulate Saphira [T] who has been promoted to Senior Trainer Saphira [T]

Please also congratulate KaraK [AS] who has been promoted to Trainer after passing his Trainer test KaraK [T]

It is very sad to announce one of our Senior Trainers has decided to leave the team Thomas [T] (Clockwork) Thank you very much for all your work in the team.

The [TC] Training Team

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - Cal - 2011-11-05 10:39

Public Info: This area is now open to the public.

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - Stevo - 2011-11-05 11:14

Congrats Smile glad to see the training team still going strong!

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - Saphira - 2011-11-05 11:19

Good to see it all combined...Great work Guys and really Happy with all of it...


Saphira Thumbup1


RE: [TC] Training Team News! - ZsoLT - 2011-11-05 14:01

Congratz'! Wink

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - KaraK - 2011-11-05 14:02

Thanks guys.

Great work with merging the forums. Smile

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - BP - 2011-11-05 14:04

Good job indeed.

RE: [TC] Training Team News! - Savy - 2011-11-06 04:27

Congrats guy