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[Forum radio code] *Small Issue* - Printable Version

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[Forum radio code] *Small Issue* - Frozen - 2013-03-11 17:35

Hello There,

Just noticed that Mr.Nb is online on the radio , but in the forum appears:

[TC] CityDriving Radio - Offline

Just informing, not sure if it's a bug or anything else Smile

Best Regards,

RE: *Small Issue* - Mr. NB - 2013-03-11 17:47

I've already noticed that too, apparently Lampshade has turned the whole thing off for a while, as it caused forum to lag.

Thank you for letting us know though.

RE: [Forum radio code] *Small Issue* - Pete - 2013-03-11 22:09

I disabled it whilst the radio host site was down, the data wasn't being sent through meaning the rest of the forum had to wait for the request to time out.

It's back now.

RE: [Forum radio code] *Small Issue* - Frozen - 2013-03-12 19:32

Thanks for the fast reply Lampshade

Good to see everything is back and running.

Best Regards,