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Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-03-24 18:16


Quite a few times now (and I've seen it happen to other cops aswell).

When we !join to a backup, and we use the Autobahn to get there, if/when the suspect is on the otherside of the road, it activates the chase mode. By the time the cop has driven all the way to the end of the ARMCO just to catchup, we loose contact with the suspect.

Can adjustments not be made so that if we're within X metres of the suspect, then it changes to chase mode. Obviously this is already in existence, but can the metres not be reduced?

Or, if there could be better ways to prevent this, then, I'm open to ideas..........

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Frozen - 2013-03-24 19:04

Fully agree with this.

Happend to me 3 times already today.

Thanks for the post Daniel , and hopefully this gets sorted soon.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Cobra - 2013-03-24 19:14

Happen me today to...... Unsure

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Sadie - 2013-03-24 20:18

Well, it happen on me to.

I have posted something here too: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=3681 but, i not know that thread have somthing whit this thread.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Orange™ - 2013-03-25 18:37

Couldn't agree more too. Don't like it when you are trying your hardest to get to him then lose them because of that.

So hopefully something gets sorted.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Johan. - 2013-03-25 18:52

I thought the chase system was already updated to follow the road, instead of going as straight as possible to the suspect?

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Sadie - 2013-03-25 20:07

I think COP system on Kyoto need to be fixed.. I have had other problems whit it before (not remember but was not so big).. But i like you get spec for wrong side, beecouse many suspect do that.. Tongue

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Elmo - 2013-03-25 21:36

There used to be a timeout where you had to be within X metres for Y seconds before going into CHASE mode. Something like that does seem to exist still, because I stayed in JOIN mode when the exact same thing happened to me on Montana last week.

A replay would be helpful to see exactly what distance/timing was involved.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-03-25 23:15

(2013-03-25 21:36)Elmo Wrote:  There used to be a timeout where you had to be within X metres for Y seconds before going into CHASE mode. Something like that does seem to exist still, because I stayed in JOIN mode when the exact same thing happened to me on Montana last week.

A replay would be helpful to see exactly what distance/timing was involved.

I'll have a go tomorrow. I see where you're coming from with the above thing, but as I said, I'll try and get a replay. Thanks.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Sadie - 2013-03-26 12:30

Well, i can record next time i are cop. Then i think i get the bug on film.. Tongue

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-03-26 14:41

I'll sort something tonight. I'll organise for someone to chase someone and I'll backup.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-03-29 15:13

Hi Elmo, sorry for the delay, I've been actually waiting for the thing in question to occur.

Spectate [COP] Orange from time: 1:23:25. He approaches the junction on the right side, where Jedi (the suspect) was on the other. Orange then has to follow the Armco all the way down, to make the u-turn, where Jedi continues to speed, and he eventually looses contact as a result of this. (Feel free to check chat logs 29/03/2013 - 15:03:45+ GMT).


RE: Autobahn Suspects - Orange™ - 2013-07-28 13:03

Not sure if this needs to be bumped because a few of us were talking about this and the problem still happens. Lost 2 chases yet again because of it. Hopefully it has been discussed where you can fix the system.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Jake - 2013-07-28 13:58

Simple thing to do would be wait till the suspect passes you on a junction or roundabout? I've never had a problem with it, just use your head and decide when to join the AB?

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Orange™ - 2013-07-28 14:22

All well and good but as many know alot of the chases you join, you're already on the autobahn. Just be nice to have it where if the chase goes pass you on other side insim doesn't pick it up.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Roba - 2013-07-28 14:33

Well from my most recent experiences of this, you must keep up with the suspect on X distance for X time for the chase mode to activate. Haven't had problems with this since this thread.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-19 19:43

Sorry to bump the thread, but i think its relevant due to the track change,

Yet again loosing multiple suspect because of the layout on the AB.

I have an idea that is minor but could help out a lot.

My idea is to change the layout on the long barriers on the corners of the AB to give cops a chance to make a safe U-turn. Maybe just a small gap where the arrow is on the image as 90% of the time i loose the suspect because i have to go all the way round, I'm sure i am not the only one.

[Image: ABthing_zpsbe3fc1c4.jpg]

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Connor - 2013-10-19 21:02

I agree it can get very annoying having to all the way around the barriers then going on to lose the suspect. These small gaps in the barriers in my opinion would be very beneficial to all cops. Smile

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Sadie - 2013-10-19 21:15

-1 Its a good idea but no. Normal people will use it and people some not slowdown for siren or use the right lane will crash and that.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-19 21:30

I understand the risk there but surely its not the only option, I'll probably play around the the TC layout in singleplayer and see if i can come up with any decent solutions.