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[CSR] is recruiting next week! - Printable Version

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[CSR] is recruiting next week! - Monster - 2013-04-02 21:40

Hello all!
Team [CSR] is going to recruit new members next week! If you are interested, note that the recruitment period will be on:
April 7th to April 13th.

How to register and apply:
1. Register to our new forum : http://www.team-csr.com/forums/index.php
2. Post a new thread named "Application - LFSUSERNAME" on the "Applications" section and copy and finish the questionnaire on the "Recruitment Application" thread.

Please note that you can send your application until 8 PM 13th.
Final decision will be posted on both TC and CSR forum on April 14th.
If any question, I will be pleased to answer you on PM.

Good luck to all!
[CSR] Management.

RE: [CSR] is recruiting next week! - Luke. - 2013-04-03 07:17

Good luck to all who apply Smile

RE: [CSR] is recruiting next week! - sargento - 2013-04-03 13:31

Join us and good luck Thumbup