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Show your recorded chase - Printable Version

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Show your recorded chase - Weelob - 2013-04-14 13:04

Let me start. It's me, Savy, Mikee and BP.

Chase starts after we've been in pit for a crash just after chase started.

Tools you can record with:

Those are the two I know of. Easy to find retail version online.

Video is still uploading, sorry.

RE: Show your recorded chase - Polete - 2013-04-14 16:48

nice work there weelob Biggrin

RE: Show your recorded chase - Savy - 2013-04-14 17:09

Nice chase weelob, my god I look good in pink Biggrin

RE: Show your recorded chase - Audiojack - 2013-04-14 17:15

Are old videos allowed? Tongue I'll just leave this here anyway.

RE: Show your recorded chase - Weelob - 2013-04-14 17:17

Yeah, whatever video you have is fine Smile Thanks guys.

RE: Show your recorded chase - Cola - 2013-04-14 17:44

Got a couple:

I'm cop, chasing nutella.

It was sped up from 32 mins to 8 mins. So x4 speed. Smile

And this is my 'Getaway in Montana' video. I'm suspect in FXO. Being chased by Wiggum (and iirc some other cops joined on me as well)

RE: Show your recorded chase - Mikee - 2013-04-14 18:22

Last minute or so from a chase eariler

Ignore the foul language from Savy.

RE: Show your recorded chase - Savy - 2013-04-14 19:56

I like how Mikee has cut out the part where he tried to ram me off the road, but apart from that its legit

RE: Show your recorded chase - Polete - 2013-04-15 10:08

nice box there tc guys Smile

RE: Show your recorded chase - kas - 2014-08-28 20:38

* I first made a thread and then found this, sorry for that Confused *

A little video I threw together in Vegas, used Fraps for recording live and the replay, the music that you hear in interior view is what I was listenig to when driving.

I've noticed a few things already and, if I do choose to make a "series" out of it, will approach those differently, but for a first video it's alright I think.

I hope I get to do a "Let's not get busted for once" special Tongue

What do you guys think?

RE: Show your recorded chase - Barney - 2014-08-29 06:24

not too bad actually. like the camchanges between TV and cockpitview.
you might consider turning names or HUD off(ctrl or shift+f) Wink
maybe music little louder. dont like the pitattempt into traffic at 5:02 Tongue

RE: Show your recorded chase - Dino - 2014-08-29 09:19

@kas 3:40 - you should probably avoid getting pitted that easily if u want to escape.

But nice video!