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"If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Printable Version

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"If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Johan. - 2013-06-26 13:04


There will be a new rally game on the corner. More news tomorrow.

I hope this rally game isn't aimed the general people, but will also include the people who like to adjust things in depth.

RE: "If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - James - 2013-06-26 13:14

Ive always loved the look of the classic Focus rally car.

A new Colin McRae ?

RE: "If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Cola - 2013-06-26 13:17

This has the potential to be good, I think.. Every rally game since the first DiRT game has just been shit. DiRT 2 was alright, but then they just lost it completely.

I miss the same game style there was in the old Colin McRae 2005 game. That really was awesome.

RE: "If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Johan. - 2013-06-26 13:28

I don't think they would call it Colin Mcrae again, although he is a legend. Plus according to their twitter, nobody guessed the 'new' name yet. And Colin Mcrae would've certainly be suggested by someone.

I still love and play(!) the old Colin Mcrae Rally's. You can adjust nearly everything, still with a bar, but already more indepth than Dirt2 or 3, wich is a great thing. Fine tweaking ftw.

RE: "If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Zipppy - 2013-06-26 13:33

it's a port for mobile.

RE: "If in doubt, go flatout" - New rally game? - Johan. - 2013-06-26 13:36

Well damnit. Thats.. blergh.