[TC] Gaming Forums
Banned Again for nothing (Unban Request Denied by Savy) - Printable Version

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Banned Again for nothing (Unban Request Denied by Savy) - rz_simple - 2013-07-19 10:39

For What am I banned again ?!!

RE: Banned Again for nothing - Ras - 2013-07-19 11:41

You can see the reason on the banlist, found on the website.

And please edit your post with the proper unban request format http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2

Thank you.

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Banned Again for nothing - Savy - 2013-07-24 00:08

As this ban is over and you wasn't unbanned, I'll close this thread.

Unban Request Denied