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Basic Training - onniotava - Printable Version

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Basic Training - onniotava - Otava - 2013-08-07 14:57

LFS Username: onniotava
Nickname: Otava
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): Yes
Notes (e.g times free/language): I speak Finnish ,English and i am online when i want i have lot of time to play if i want ,depends day,

4th try

RE: Basic Training - onniotava - Luke - 2013-08-07 15:42

I am unsure whether you are allowed to retake training for the 4th time.
You have failed your training 3 times in a row and your cop rights have also been revoked for the 4th time.

Have you been told you are allowed to retake the training?

I am going to contact a supervisor or above to look into this with more detail.

- Luke

RE: Basic Training - onniotava - KaraK - 2013-08-07 16:06

Hello Onniotava,

You have failed Basic Training three times so far, and you have not improved in car control after each of these trainings.
We will be giving you another chance to pass Basic Training, however you will have to wait until September 30th before you can take the training.

Use the time between now and then to improve on your car control, and apply again once you feel confident that you can pass Basic Training.
Please be aware that, may you fail Basic Training a fourth time, we are then required to disallow you from any future training, until further notice.

So use the time provided to practice your car control, and then apply again after September 30th. Smile
I will now close this thread, and archive this in a few days.
If you have any questions, please PM Cal, Saphira, Redboosd or me.

- KaraK