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[Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Printable Version

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[Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - SeanProdTV - 2013-08-12 22:33

Right this one annoyed me forever...
evertime i have a big bonus .. for e.g today i had 400 km bonus .. lost connection for 15 sec .. came back .. didnt restore .. please can you do something with it ? because when i rejoin .. and see my bonus at 0 again after 1 min of lost connection it makes me never come back to this server and cry .. i know it sounds dramatic but guess how you would feel ..

RE: Lost connection - RedJohn - 2013-08-12 23:43

Servers were attacked , we can't do something about it.

RE: Lost connection - SeanProdTV - 2013-08-12 23:44

no .. it wasent a attack .. i just simply lost connection due to my router being overload and it restared it self ..

RE: Lost connection - Josh - 2013-08-13 00:00

We have had this suggested before and we have given it plenty of thought.

IMO we give you enough help to save bonuses - you can leave the server for up to 30 minutes and save your KM by leaving in a Safe Zone.

The main problem with saving trip on connection loss is that it is open to much abuse. If someone crashes out of bounds they can simply turn their router off to save their trip, which defeats the object of having a bonus to start with.

I appreciate it's frustrating, I think we've all been there at some point - we all just grit our teeth and keep driving.

RE: Lost connection - SeanProdTV - 2013-08-13 00:38

allright then .. but iv got another question .. its not realated to the threat but its quite interesting .. as a med / tow / res they should be allowed to use a command for e.g !block - and bascily what it dose is puts cones to cut off trafic .. like cops can do road block but cones basicly

RE: Lost connection - Chuck - 2013-08-13 06:21

Has been suggested before. With questionable result like tows do concetrate more on placing objects than helping. Plus, our layouts do not offer enough free objects to satisfy all the cops and tows.

RE: Lost connection - SeanProdTV - 2013-08-14 15:41

yea but like five cones wont do that much truble will it ? and i ment like if there were 3 tows / meds/ res helping one person .. one of them could cut off trafic with cones and help then carry on helping the person that has truble with their car

RE: Lost connection - Frozen - 2013-08-14 15:57

What about changing the subject of this thread?

Going morelike offtopic when clicking on a thread called Lost Connection which is talking about cones in the road in stead of a '' lost connection situation''

Just my 2 cents.

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Mr. NB - 2013-08-14 16:31

Thread renamed.

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Frozen - 2013-08-14 17:23

(2013-08-14 16:31)Mr. NB Wrote:  Thread renamed.

Thanks, appreciated.Rolleyes

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Bez - 2013-08-14 17:23

As for the cones, normally if I'm a cop I see the road needs some help by directing people closer to the center rather on the edge of the road by using the roadblock just to give the tows some space and help drivers see the situation from further away as many ignore caution and a few do hazard. If you need the road closing for a while ask a cop to set up a block and make a public message in chat telling people the roads closed for a few minutes ( only if needed ) as I say I just guide people away from the curb side using the block.

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Lukeā„¢ - 2013-08-14 17:53

Completely agree Bez, I think that Med's shouldn't have the right to put cones down as they are there to help/"treat" the car/"patient", and cops should redirect traffic or block the scene with barrells like irl.

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Yukine - 2013-08-14 18:35

Sorry, the idea of cones is useless, we are here for help, not for play with cones & we can call the police for road block.

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - SeanProdTV - 2013-08-14 18:40

but honestly do you think police will come just to do road block? its waisting their time

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - KaraK - 2013-08-14 18:46

(2013-08-14 18:40)Sean_drifter Wrote:  but honestly do you think police will come just to do road block? its waisting their time

It's happening already, so yes Wink

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Kieran - 2013-08-14 19:18

How about ban MED's completely?!?!?!!? or just stop spamming "Call SOS if you need blablablabla"

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Connor - 2013-08-14 20:40

I don't think banning MEDs completely would do any good, it would cause a lot of controversy and arguments with existing MEDs (myself included) but yeah I think we could stop spamming the "Call SOS if..." a bit less *cough* Bruno! *cough* Biggrin

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Bez - 2013-08-14 21:13

(2013-08-14 18:40)Sean_drifter Wrote:  but honestly do you think police will come just to do road block? its waisting their time

If you need the road securing before you tow just call the police or put a message in chat. Most are happy to help secure the road!

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Connor - 2013-08-14 21:42

I'm sure I would, I usually am very happy to do it! Smile Especially when there's an admin as an HwA they'll be happy to clear the traffic, it's their job! Smile

RE: [Saving trip & cones for tows] Lost connection - Yukine - 2013-08-15 00:28

(2013-08-14 21:42)Connor Wrote:  I'm sure I would, I usually am very happy to do it! Smile Especially when there's an admin as an HwA they'll be happy to clear the traffic, it's their job! Smile

/off-topic/ I remember some epic responding with Sinoco as HwA.