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Increasing UF1 Income rates - Printable Version

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Increasing UF1 Income rates - gyunter - 2013-08-28 11:40

Increasing UF1 maximum income rates up to +5
I may be wrong, but income rates on UF1 used to be higher back in 2008.
As I clearly understand, current car income rates depend on the vehicle class such as TBOs, GTRs etc. XFG, XRG and UF1 are in the same income group (+4), but it's not a really good comparison as UF1 is a way too slow. My suggestion is to place UF1 to it's own income group with a maximum value of +5.
- Forcing people to drive slow vehicle may decrease an amount of accidents on the roads. Those who has a goal on making money will stick to an even slower vehicle such as UF1.
- Increased money supply (due to emission). That's the serious problem even for a TC economy. Fortunately, TC has a set of mechanisms to withdraw money from circulation, e.g. money loss for speeding may be increased slightly for the balance or a price for a UF1 raised.

Your point of view?

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Bez - 2013-08-28 11:56

I really like the idea of UF1's being +5. I already use the UF1 to gain money quickly so this would be a bonus.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Sebas - 2013-08-28 14:29

Great first draft on an idea (Pros and Cons).

I agree that the UF1 should be +5 since it's not really up to par with the XFG-XRG. Its also really hated by most players (I don't really know why, maybe because its mostly slow and the default set is really bad). I'm not sure it will affect the economy THAT much. Here's MY pros/cons

- Newer players will get easier access to better cars (TBO). This will encourage them to stay on the server.
- Traffic might have a slight tendency to slow down due to the fact that more UF1 will be on the road.
- Less people will "whine" in-game ex.: "Can anybody give me 10K? I want to buy a XRT"

- Less time will be required to buy a better car. Less qualified drivers might end up with FZ5 and cause mayhem on the track.
- Prize pools and competition might be less attractive since it would be easier to make cash in-game.
- "Car dealers" might have less luck since it would be easier to buy a new car.

That's it for now. I might edit this post to add ideas.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Pete - 2013-08-28 14:30

The bonus system rewards you with +1 every 5s if you stick to the speed limit meaning that the income of a UF1, XFG & XRG is +5€.

That's partly the reason the new bonus system was introduced.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Dan - 2013-08-28 14:31

A good, well structured suggestion.

I feel that also increasing the UF1 bonus rate to 5 euros is something more logical and, as you said, would hopefully persuade more users to drive that car.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Frozen - 2013-08-28 15:17

(2013-08-28 14:30)Lampshade Wrote:  The bonus system rewards you with +1 every 5s if you stick to the speed limit meaning that the income of a UF1, XFG & XRG is +5€.

That's partly the reason the new bonus system was introduced.

The problem is that we cant compare XFG and XRG with the UF1.

I also agree with the idea. UF1 ( +5 )

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Pete - 2013-08-28 16:01

Gyunter Wrote:As I clearly understand, current car income rates depend on the vehicle class

Incorrect. The car class has no relation to income, the car class is there for the chase system, ie, how much XP one loses or gains for a win or loss.

These are the car entries in the config. It denotes how much you earn as a percentage out of €5. The maximum is 80% (4) and the minimum is 0% (0). Notice that the MRT has the same income as the XFR & UFR but is in class 3.

Car / Percentage out of 5 / Car class (aka, points for win/loss)

CAR_UF1 80;1
CAR_XFG 80;2
CAR_XRG 80;2
CAR_LX4 60;3
CAR_XRT 60;3
CAR_RB4 60;3
CAR_FXO 60;3
CAR_LX6 40;4
CAR_RAC 40;4
CAR_FZ5 40;4
CAR_UFR 20;5
CAR_XFR 20;5
CAR_MRT 20;3
CAR_FXR 00;7
CAR_FZR 00;7
CAR_XRR 00;7

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Sadie - 2013-08-28 16:07

It would be nice whit UF1 whit +5.. I also think it was +5 before..

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - gyunter - 2013-08-28 16:36

(2013-08-28 16:01)Lampshade Wrote:  Incorrect. The car class has no relation to income, the car class is there for the chase system, ie, how much XP one loses or gains for a win or loss.
I meant an abstract classifying of vehicles, depending on percantage out of 5$ - UF1, XFG, XRG are in the same group (or class) now - 80%.
The actual change I advise is to make it the following way(out of 6$ now):
[Image: 2013-08-28_20-35-16.png]

I'm pretty sure you've got me, Lamp.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Pipa - 2013-08-28 17:13

You could ve just given the uf1 100% in the lower spreadsheet.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - gyunter - 2013-08-28 17:34

(2013-08-28 17:13)Pipa Wrote:  You could ve just given the uf1 100% in the lower spreadsheet.
No, 20% (1$ out of 5Greedy is reserved for bonus system. I don't think their system will accept 120% value.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Pete - 2013-08-28 18:18

Pipa's right: 100% of 5 is 5 so you could have just done that.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Chuck - 2013-08-28 18:48

I don't see any urge to change anything to the income system. There is already enough
money around.

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - Lcee - 2013-09-23 07:59

(2013-08-28 18:48)Chuck Wrote:  I don't see any urge to change anything to the income system. There is already enough
money around.

There is enough money around indeed, but driving the UF1 is an disadvantage now because of the HP compared to the XFG/XRG.
Maybe (if it is possible) the bonus value could be upgraded by 10% for the UF1, so they still have a little advantage on making money with a total of 110% (80% driving - 30% bonus). This should give people €0,5 extra for driving the UF1.

Is this possible, and maybe a good solution for the disadvantage?

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - GT4tube - 2014-12-02 08:58

+1 +5 for UF1

RE: Increasing UF1 Income rates - BP - 2014-12-02 09:23

(2014-12-02 08:58)GT4tube Wrote:  +1 +5 for UF1

There was no need to bump, since you knew there was another topic like this.