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Unban please (Unban Request Denied by Lampshade) - Printable Version

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Unban please (Unban Request Denied by Lampshade) - Diggerdixon - 2013-08-28 15:52

● Your LFS Username: Croftyboy2008

● Time & Date of Incident: 2013-07-10 20:13:05

● Replay / Screenshot Link:
● Replay Timestamps:

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: Because i am sooooooooo sorry i nerver go - again!

RE: Unban please - Pete - 2013-08-28 15:58

This is the 2nd time you've been perm-banned for money abuse.

How can we know you won't just get yourself banned again?

RE: Unban please - Diggerdixon - 2013-08-28 16:05

I promise I wont And if i do I will never to be asked to be unbaned again you can tell every admin that to so they know

RE: Unban please - Pete - 2013-08-28 16:06

One more thing. After your previous ban, this is what you said to Mikee:

Quote:<16:07:04> "Digger Dixon 2013": it starts in F and ends in F
<16:07:13> "Mikee": ?
<16:07:19> "Digger Dixon 2013": *Removed* off

Do you think this is acceptable?

RE: Unban please - Diggerdixon - 2013-08-28 16:09

When was that ??

RE: Unban please - Pete - 2013-08-28 16:15

After your last ban.

Full log:

Quote:<15:54:27> "Mikee": im busy
<15:54:29> "Mikee": i just unbanned you
<15:54:30> "Mikee": wait,.
<15:55:00> "Digger Dixon 2013": i was fined £10 so it went back to -£500
<15:56:34> "Mikee": but you of been at -4500...
<15:57:02> "Digger Dixon 2013": no when i joined it said -4990
<15:57:24> "Mikee": no..
<15:57:30> "Mikee": !revive puts you to 4500.
<15:57:47> "Digger Dixon 2013": thats what it said -4990
<15:58:22> "Mikee": 2013-07-10 19:24:58 UTC croftyboy2008 MONEY Money is -4,500 @ gaming time 2252 min
<15:58:24> "Mikee": dont lie.
<15:58:40> "Digger Dixon 2013": my pc said -4990
<15:58:54> "Mikee": The Insim does not lie.
<15:59:15> "Mikee": 2013-07-10 19:56:12 UTC croftyboy2008 MONEY Money is -4,452 @ gaming time 2266 min
<15:59:20> "Mikee": 2013-07-10 20:13:06 UTC croftyboy2008 MONEY Money is -5,253 @ gaming time 2283 min
<16:01:25> "Mikee": so pitting outside safezone etc.
<16:01:35> "Digger Dixon 2013": why is it a perm ban anyway thats to long
<16:01:50> "Mikee": because you are abusing the system
<16:01:52> "Digger Dixon 2013": you will be loosing a lot of people on your servers
<16:01:59> "Mikee": no..
<16:02:02> "Mikee": hardly anyone gets -5k
<16:02:11> "Digger Dixon 2013": ??
<16:02:45> "Mikee": Its REALLY hard to get -5000
<16:02:51> "Mikee": you just seem to do IT ALL THE TIME
<16:03:19> "Digger Dixon 2013": Not all the time
<16:06:21> "Mikee": well
<16:06:24> "Mikee": 2 times
<16:06:26> "Mikee": in 2 days.
<16:07:04> "Digger Dixon 2013": it starts in F and ends in F
<16:07:13> "Mikee": ?
<16:07:19> "Digger Dixon 2013": *Removed* off


RE: Unban please - Mikee - 2013-08-28 16:24

Basically, you asked me to unban you AGAIN on TeamSpeak after I had just done it two days ago.

Then you told me to *Removed* off.

RE: Unban please - Diggerdixon - 2013-08-28 16:26

I was in Pencelli wales that week with school so wernt me this is a shared pc and lfs acount for 2 people

RE: Unban please - Pete - 2013-08-28 16:34

If it's your account then it's your responsibility.

RE: Unban please - Ash - 2013-08-28 16:36

Right, funny thing is DiggerDiggerDiggerDiggerDiggerDixon...

You got banned on the 10th for money abuse which you've already stated was you and your sorry for doing it (from your unban request above and on Teamspeak today...). On the same day, you had that conversation with Mikee where you claimed to have been revived at -4490. So if you was in Wales, then it wasnt you atall who got the account banned? Confused much?

Now your saying that it wasnt you atall?

Your Account, Your Responsibility (Click to View)

RE: Unban please - Diggerdixon - 2013-08-28 16:50

I share my LFS Acount with my brother and dad so it would of been one of them

RE: Unban please - Ash - 2013-08-28 16:51

But you said on TeamSpeak earlier that it was you? Not really adding up Digger, my friend.

RE: Unban please - Pete - 2013-08-28 16:52

But you said before that you were the one who got banned. Therefore the responsibility rests with you.

Before this gets any more ridiculous I'm denying the unban. Feel free to apply for an appeal in a month or so when you get your story straight...

Unban Request Denied