[TC] Gaming Forums
[P] Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Printable Version

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[P] Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Tibe - 2013-10-17 15:30

LFS Username: tiitus.p
Nickname: [RDSR] Tibe
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No): Yes
Notes (e.g times free/language): Finnish and English. On week 4pm-9pm. Weekends 4pm-12pm

Administrator Message by: Luke

User is banned until 2013-10-20
Revoked Until: 2013-10-23 14:07:53

RE: Basic Training - Luke - 2013-10-17 18:36

Right you are banned so you are not eligible for practical training, however, your ban expires in 3 Days, so i will send you the written exam.

Your written exam code has been sent to your training forum inbox! »Click me«
Please enter the code »here«.
Ensure you have no gaps before or after the code when entering the code.

The [TC] Training Team

Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Luke - 2013-10-18 08:28

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
You have Passed the written exam with 12/13

The [TC] Training Team

Your rights are revoked until 2013-10-23 14:07:53 and you are banned until 2013-10-20 so you are not eligible for practical training yet.
However, use this time to study the police guide and understand the rules.

Please carefully read the »Police Guide«

Confirm below that you have read and understand it

RE: Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Tibe - 2013-10-28 14:31

I've understanded and read it completely.

Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Luke - 2013-10-28 16:00

You are now ready for Basic Training, Please contact any of the trainers: You have 21 days from now to complete the training, otherwise this application will be closed. »List of Trainers«

The [TC] Training Team

Basic Training - [RDSR] Tibe - Paul - 2013-11-09 20:50

Training Information:

Took place on:

Trainer(s) Present: Paul [CA] Roba

Lead Trainer: Paul

Good Points: Good car control, good use of binds, you have shown me that even when you lose it, you manage to keep control and do a block after that. you keep chekking your map what I do and also you kept up all the time. Nice pits and use of blocks. also you have done a good block in the gap.

Improvements: Got nothing much to add, keep copping like this and the server has another save cop cruising around!

Notes: as you have passed your training your rights are granted.

[Image: trainingpass3.png]
Congratulations, you have passed Basic Training.

The [TC] Training Team