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+ Report several users. (Report Archived by Pipa) - Printable Version

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+ Report several users. (Report Archived by Pipa) - Olli - 2013-11-25 14:21

● Your LFS Username: UXTERIII

● Their LFS Username(s): Callum88, nemo305 and skrom1
● Their LFS GameName(s): ~Szymon~[TOW], [ksa] RoNeS ...
and l|EsTrAteGi ¢Ê

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4rn6g50ababs43r/report.mpr

● Replay Timestamps:


1:26:09.85 Hits Pikkucleaner and rams me.

1:26:40.02 Hits a person and rams him.

1:21:25.96 Wrongsides on hw1 and hits [ES] Korvette.
[ksa] RoNeS ... and l|EsTrAteGi ¢Ê:

1:23:12.16 Messing around on roads driving from side to side watch replay few minutes longer they keep on messing around and driving dangerously. If you have time spec them a bit more braking rules very often.

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time) Basically ~Szymon~[TOW] was wrongsiding often and hitting people. Didn't apologise or after he was asked to. [ksa] RoNeS ... and l|EsTrAteGi ¢Ê messing around in server.

Report several users. - Pipa - 2013-11-25 19:25

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report several users. - Pipa - 2013-11-25 19:52

(2013-11-25 14:21)Olli Wrote:  ~Szymon~[TOW]:

1:26:09.85 Hits Pikkucleaner and rams me.

1:26:40.02 Hits a person and rams him.

1:21:25.96 Wrongsides on hw1 and hits [ES] Korvette.

Seems as if he was in a chase on all 3 timestamps, however still not an acceptable behaviour.

(2013-11-25 14:21)Olli Wrote:  [ksa] RoNeS ... and l|EsTrAteGi ¢Ê:

1:23:12.16 Messing around on roads driving from side to side watch replay few minutes longer they keep on messing around and driving dangerously. If you have time spec them a bit more braking rules very often.

Think Rones genuinely lost control there, however the rest of the replay showed him basicly stunting/arab drifting constantly on H1.
I'll give him a warning and tell him that we have stuntzones for those purposes.

EsTrAteGi was doing similar things, although he did it right infront of a police chase and almost hit it.

Very little care for everyone around from both of them.

Callum88 will receive a confirmable ingame warning

nemo305 will receive a confirmable ingame warning

skrom1 will receive a confirmable ingame warning

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.