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Monitor goes black when starting some games - Printable Version

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Monitor goes black when starting some games - Cola - 2013-12-16 15:55

Hey guys.

Thought some of you might know something about this. I've already asked at a Danish computer-forum, with no luck so far..

The thing is, that when I start a game, my Dell U2412M monitor just goes black, and I can hear the sound from the game starting in the background.

What's even more annoying is, that it only happens in some games. For example; Need for speed Carbon and Need for speed Pro Street doesn't work. Neither does Frets on Fire.

LFS and BF3 on the other hand, works just fine. Both in full-screen and windowed mode.

I can always press ALT+F4 to exit the game, which makes the monitor go on again.

I've recorded this video of what happens, when I launch Need for speed Carbon. (same thing happens when I launch the other games.)

So far I've tried:
- Restarting the PC
- Starting the game(s) with just one monitor connected
- Updating graphics driver
- Running games in different compatibility modes. (Windows 2k, XP, XP SP2, Vista etc.)

I've never had a problem like this before.

My monitor is a Dell U2412M
My graphics card is an AMD HD7870 XT
The monitor is connected by DVI.

RE: Monitor goes black when starting some games - Stunna - 2013-12-16 19:01

This happened to my old monitor, and finally one day it went completely broke. I tried changing all the wires in the back of the monitor and nothing worked.

RE: Monitor goes black when starting some games - Warped - 2013-12-16 19:10

That is completely same problem I had few weeks ago. Here's what I did:

- Your graphics card may overheat, clean the fan inside your computer i.e with vacuum cleaner.

- Update the graphics card to the latest driver, delete the older ones.

- Unplug and plug in the cable of the monitor.

The first method was the main problem for me. I cleaned the fan from dust ( I can tell you, there was a lot) and after that, I haven't had that problem anymore.

RE: Monitor goes black when starting some games - Audiojack - 2013-12-16 19:12

My first guess is that the graphics card is, for whatever reason, trying to force a different refresh rate on the monitor which causes it to go into standby. Maybe there's something to change in the graphic drivers settings.

RE: Monitor goes black when starting some games - SeanProdTV - 2014-01-07 17:02

i think its to do with reslution , i had this problem , but changed res (dont ask how i dont rember , probly reinstall game)and everthing worked Tongue