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Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Printable Version

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Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Bez - 2013-12-20 13:19

Has anyone had this?

Last night I went to sleep like normal then at around 3:30am I felt something tug on my foot. I suddenly woke up and sat straight up to see nothing was around me and was pretty freaked out. But I went back to sleep about 5 minutes after. Has anyone else experienced this or something like this? Or have you even had another kind of sleep paralysis?

Share your stories!

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Johan. - 2013-12-20 13:29

Try (finally) falling asleep, followed by dreaming about you falling over a step, then shaking yourself awake because you're not entirely asleep yet, lol.

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Stephen - 2013-12-20 13:31

Happens to everyone from what i've read. Those falling feelings when you sleep are the worst because it feels so real and you wake up panicking lol

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Jimmy - 2013-12-20 13:33

It happend to me once i was just going to sleep but in some minuts i grab in beds sides to not fall out from it.

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Johan. - 2013-12-20 13:35

(2013-12-20 13:31)Stephen Wrote:  Happens to everyone from what i've read. Those falling feelings when you sleep are the worst because it feels so real and you wake up panicking lol

Yerrr... A bridge that I used to cross to elementary school years ago. I swear, a never ending fall and it was rare to get to the end without falling off, lol. Glare

RE: Sleep paralysis. - fWANKy - 2013-12-20 13:35

i've had a fair few times, obviously panicing. but you can control it and be calm (ofcourse its a dream)

just remember, u can control ur dreams. if this happens dont panic, just think "ok, im going wake up in 3, 2,1 then try ur hardest to wake urself up.

works for me

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Stephen - 2013-12-20 13:46

I do that when i have nightmares, really handy. just wake up after and think about anything other than what was in the dream then go back to sleep.

edit: I wanna lucid dream, like inception xD

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Dowpy - 2013-12-20 15:22

I read about if couple of days ago, sounds pretty scary. I would shit myself.

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Leon - 2013-12-20 15:48

Sorry bro, but that isn't sleep paralysis.

Wikipedia Wrote:Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness). It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis.

Scary, but not paralysis.

RE: Sleep paralysis. - Kyllone - 2013-12-20 16:05

I sometimes get something like this. But after I get it, I'm not like scared or panicking or anything because it doesn't feel that bad and as I'm sleepy, I'm quite confused. I had them more when I was younger, like 9 or 10 yrs old. Nowdays it's like a 5 sec mental breakdown after it. "Oh *Removed* I'm still not asleep goddammit" and then I fall asleep pretty quickly.


RE: Sleep paralysis. - Klurax - 2013-12-20 16:17

It's called lucid dreaming maybe?

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Bez - 2013-12-20 16:29

Changed the topic Smile

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Sebas - 2013-12-20 17:35

Dreaming of falling and waking up shaking from the fall happens to me quite frequently.

Stephen's trick of the "3-2-1" works well when doing nightmares or falling when dreaming, you're sure to wake up.

As for Lucid dreaming, i've experienced it a couple of times and its awesome. The ability to "manipulate" your dream as you wish is impressive and quite freaky at the same time. I'm usually able to "trigger" the lucid part when i'm dreaming something that would be impossible (Flying, In car doing crazy stuff, running, etc..). Unfortunately, it lasts a couple of minutes maximum (Dream time) and you usually wake up afterwards.

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Leon - 2013-12-20 17:55

(2013-12-20 16:17)Klurax Wrote:  It's called lucid dreaming maybe?

That's when you become aware that you're dreaming and take control of the events

Wikipedia Wrote:A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Frozen - 2013-12-20 22:06

Probably if you play less and go outside more this wouldnt happen. (Joke Smile )

Actually I never had this such things, only when I was a young child, I remember that I dreamed that i felt when walking downstairs, so scared that I felt of bed...


RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Sinoco - 2013-12-20 22:42

I have had sleep paralysis once, a few months ago actually. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. You ARE awake, not dreaming, you can't move, and you generally hallucinate. I woke up and could hear my family getting ready to leave, but I was staring straight ahead. I saw a dark figure in the corner of the room, just standing there. I tried to turn over and call for help, but nothing happened. It was like I was only thinking about doing it, but nothing actually happened.

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - BP - 2013-12-20 22:43

(2013-12-20 22:42)Sinoco Wrote:  I have had sleep paralysis once, a few months ago actually. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. You ARE awake, not dreaming, you can't move, and you generally hallucinate. I woke up and could hear my family getting ready to leave, but I was staring straight ahead. I saw a dark figure in the corner of the room, just standing there. I tried to turn over and call for help, but nothing happened. It was like I was only thinking about doing it, but nothing actually happened.

That's scary, I hope it doesn't happen to me any time soon. Sad

And, I'm sorry but I chuckled at the "I tried to turn over and call for help" thing. I don't know why.

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Sinoco - 2013-12-20 22:47

(2013-12-20 22:43)BoyPower Wrote:  
(2013-12-20 22:42)Sinoco Wrote:  I have had sleep paralysis once, a few months ago actually. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. You ARE awake, not dreaming, you can't move, and you generally hallucinate. I woke up and could hear my family getting ready to leave, but I was staring straight ahead. I saw a dark figure in the corner of the room, just standing there. I tried to turn over and call for help, but nothing happened. It was like I was only thinking about doing it, but nothing actually happened.

That's scary, I hope it doesn't happen to me any time soon. Sad

And, I'm sorry but I chuckled at the "I tried to turn over and call for help" thing. I don't know why.

Apparently ~8% of people get it in their lifetime. Now that's a scary thought.

Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3156892/

RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Leon - 2014-01-02 22:47

And apparently, it is very common to see this during sleep paralysis.

In my opinion, NSFL


RE: Lucid dreaming/Sleep paralysis. - Jimmy - 2014-01-02 23:22

holy crap Leon that scared me haha