3.2: Added rule 1.12.1 (2012-10-12)
These rules must be followed at all times.
Violations will cause you get kicked, banned, fined, restricted to a certain car or otherwise punished. We keep track of all violations and punishments, which means that repeated offenses will be punished more harsh next time.
Please note: Bans from one server automatically means that you are banned from all [TC] servers.
- 1.0 General Rules
- 2.0 Civilian Cars
- 3.0 Cars Being Chased
- 4.0 Cops
- 5.0 Cops in Chase
- 6.0 Pit-Lane
- 7.0 Tow Cars
- 8.0 Warning Signs
- 9.0 [TC]
- 10.0 Individual Server Rules
- Reporting Rule-Breakers and getting Help
- Quick-link to Server-Maps
- Quick-link to Fine-List
1. --- General Rules ---
1.1. Respect other players.
Do not harass or abuse other players. They may be new to the game and not know the track or customs - help them, do not insult them. Always be aware other drivers may act unpredictably.
1.2. Do not crash or ram other cars deliberately.
This includes negligent and reckless driving, provoking accidents, for example blocking the track, doing stunts or doughnuts on the road and so on.
1.3. Drive on the correct side of the road.
Driving on the wrong side is tolerated for short periods of time and as long nobody else gets disturbed or endangered. Crashes due to this will be treated as ramming.
Strictly forbidden on Autobahn-sections. (see Server Specific Rules)
1.4. Leaving track limits
Leaving track limits is tolerated to some extent, providing the general gameplay is not negatively affected and no other players get disturbed. Admins may restrict this to keep order on the server. Not allowed in chases at all. "Hillclimbing" is considered to be beyond track limits.
1.5. Stay away from chases.
Let suspects and cops pass and give them room for manoeuvring. Do not follow or overtake chases. If a chase gets closer, stay passive, slow down and wait until the situation is over. Do not help the suspect or the police.
1.6. Horns #4 and #5 (shift+h) are reserved as a siren for police.
1.7. Use proper language at all times.
Swearing, insults, racism, abuse and otherwise offensive language is not tolerated in our servers. Insulting gestures (ie "middle finger") or graphical characters will be treated like written in plain text. That includes the use of substitution characters in swearwords.
Please be advised that racism in particular is very harshly looked upon.
Note: The most serious swearwords are auto-fined by the system, but this is only a warning. You may still get banned in case of repeated violations.
1.8. Speak English in public chat at all times.
You may also use the built-in translator (!t <text to translate>) to translate into English.
You may speak any other language in private chats, for instance !local (local chat), !ch (channel-chat) or !pm (pm-system). See Insim manual for more info on those commands.
1.9. Do not use TC skins or skins with offensive material.
1.10. Do not exploit any bugs within LFS or InSim.
If you take notice of one, contact an administrator. Don't try to cheat or abuse the system.
1.11. Do not use any modifications that alter the physics of LFS (eg collision mesh, performance).
1.12. Stunts:
Stunts may only be performed in specific, designated areas, as long as their use doesn't cause a nuisance to other players. Allowable areas are off the road and listed in specific server rules.
1.12.1. Do not drift around roundabouts.
Drifting while passing through is tolerated, however rule 1.2 still applies.
1.13. Caution signs:
Caution signs warn of dangers on or close to the track. You are expected to reduce your speed and approach with caution.
1.14. Hazard signs:
Hazard signs warn of extremely dangerous situations. You are expected to drive most attentive, significantly reduce your speed and be prepared for a full stop.
1.15. Visual sirens:
Visual sirens indicate cops are in pursuit of a suspect. You are expected to reduce your speed and approach with caution.
2. --- Civilian Cars ---
2.1. Do not harass police officers.
- Do not donut or drift around stationary cops.
- If a cop asks you to move away, do so and leave them to do their job.
- Do not block parked cops. They may need to drive off quickly.
- Do not attempt to disable speed traps
2.2. Use a neutral skin.
Do not use any skin that is similar to or suggestive of being a police or tow skin.
2.3. Strobe/Flashing lights must not be used by civilians.
They are reserved for use by Emergency and Recovery vehicles.
3. --- Cars being chased ---
3.1. Do not leave the chase.
Do not jump back to pits (shift+p), go into spectator mode (shift+s) or leave the server. Regular pit stops to repair your car are allowed.
3.2. Try as much as possible to stay on the correct side of the road.
Being in a chase is no excuse for hitting other cars, and will be treated like ramming.
3.3. If the InSim states that you are busted, you are arrested. Wait for instructions from the cop(s) involved.
3.4. Out of bounds/Leaving track limits in a chase
If your car goes out of bounds, you must return to the track immediately, without gaining advantage. If you're stuck outside, you are expected to go to spec-mode (shift+s) or pits(shift+p) to trigger the Insim-autobust-sequence.
3.5. If you are in a rented car, and you run out of money, you are arrested.
3.8. Fines
Don't argue with cops about the fine. If you think the fine is unfair, post a refund request on the forum along with a replay. Also, consider a report against the cop if he/she consequently issues wrong fines and/or behaves incorrectly.
3.9. Taking chases into or behind the garages in the main pit-lane is forbidden.
3.10. Force
You are permitted to use minor force/physical contact to evade arrest, but no more than the force cops are permitted to use on you. See 5.4.
You are permitted to use the force necessary (including moderate rams) to break through a roadblock. Avoid damaging the cops as far as possible. Using unreasonable or excessive force (like running flat out intentionally in the roadblock) is forbidden.
4. --- Police ---
4.1. Proper behaviour
Cops are expected to behave and act like cops. No donuts, burnouts, drifting, ramming, tailgating etc.
4.2. Road Laws
Cops must obey road laws when not in a chase.
4.3. Name Tag
Cops must carry the tag "[COP]" in their name. It must all be in one colour and not black.
4.3.1. Special name tags
"[HwA]" (Highways Agency) and "[VCU]" (Vehicle Crime Unit) are special tags and reserved for [TC] members. They have similar rights as cops.
4.4. Skins
Police must use a skin that easily identifies the car as a police car.
Skins must comply with the TC police skin regulations. Click here for details
4.5. Roadblocks
Cops may set up roadblocks to stop a suspect. Randomly placed roadblocks are forbidden. The car(s) forming a roadblock must not move after it is in view of the suspect.
Cops participating in the chase may request cops who are outside the chase to set up roadblocks. The outside cops may not participate in any way other than setting up the roadblock. (ie they must not help to box the suspect)
4.6. Parking
Cops are not allowed to fine other users for improper parking immediately. The cop must first ask the driver to move along. If a user fails to respond or move, a parking fine may issued once.
4.8. Strobe/Flashing lights must not be used under normal driving conditions.
4.9. Fines
Cops may issue fines according to the official fine-list (Click here to open). A cop may only initiate a chase for offenses he has actually witnessed from his car, except where laser evidence is available. Fines for speeding require at least one cop to provide a proper speed measurement (!laser / !showlaser).
5. --- Police in Chase ---
5.1. Road Laws
Cops may break road laws only in case of a chase or joining a chase. Be sure not to put other players in danger. Try to drive on the correct side - only go on the wrong side when necessary.
5.2. Sirens
Cops must use visual siren (!siren+/-) when in chase. Note: the visual siren is automatically enabled when the !chase command is used.
An audible siren (horn 5) should be used when other vehicles are near. A "piercer" siren (horn 4) may be used for short periods and only in exceptionally dangerous circumstances.
5.3. Use of Force
Force may only be used if the suspect has failed to stop. The InSim will state when the suspect has failed to stop (after approx 45 seconds)
5.4. Force / Physical Contact
Any force used must be calculated and tactical. The direct impact of intentional contact should cause very minor or ideally no damage to either car. Ramming is forbidden.
5.5. Rejoining Chases
You can not re-join a chase you have already been a part of.
5.6. Flashing lights must be used when in a chase.
Hazard lights (9 key) and Headlights (3 key, constantly on or flashing) are minimum. You do not need a third party program.
5.6.1. Indicators:
Avoid using indicators (7, 8 keys) as part of a strobe pattern as it can be confusing to other players.
5.6.2. Flashing Frequency:
Avoid using flashing frequencies of greater than 2Hz. Faster frequencies do not show up well to others in multiplayer.
6. --- Pitlane ---
6.1. Drive sensibly and predictably in pit-lane.
Do not do doughnuts, burnouts, drifts or other stunts.
6.2. Do not block the pit-lane, do not park on the driving path.
6.3. Do not drive over the stopping zones.
You may crash into players leaving their garages. Use the driving-lane instead.
6.4. Do not drive or park in other people's garages.
You might block their spawn point.
6.5. One-way pit-lanes
Some pit-lanes are one way (see section 10). Please note that this includes the connecting roads.
7. --- Tow Cars ---
7.1. Name Tag
Tow cars must use "[TOW]" in their name to be identified as tow cars. The tag has to be in one colour.
7.2. Status
Tow cars are equal to civilian cars and can be chased.
7.3. Skin
Tow cars must wear a skin which clearly identifies the car as a tow car.
Note: Yellow/Black battenburg is reserved for HwA vehicles and must not be used by TOWs.
7.5. Payment
If a tow car requests a payment, it must be declared and agreed upon prior to the action.
7.6. Strobe/Flashing lights may only be used when on scene.
Do not use when driving to an incident.
8. --- Warning Signs ---
Warning signs are available to tow- and police-cars.
8.1. Caution sign (!caution+/-)
The caution sign must only be used if there is an actual danger to road traffic. (ie towing actions which may endanger approaching cars) Standing on the grass does not necessarily create a danger, unless it's in a blind turn.
8.2. Hazard sign (!hazard+/-)
The hazard sign must only be used under extremely dangerous circumstances where approaching cars are most likely to crash. (ie partially or completely blocked road) In that case, safeguarding the scene of accident has priority over towing. Therefore, the hazard-sign can only be activated on stationary cars.
9. --- [TC] ---
9.1. Do not argue with the [TC] members.
If you get a punishment, you very likely broke a server rule. Obey the [TC] members' orders. We are not here to ruin the fun, but to keep everything in order and safe. If a [TC] member tells you to stop doing something, do so.
If you feel unfairly treated, you can post on the forum with an unban request or ask for an explanation.
9.2. Respect the [TC] members.
Remember they are here to help you have a fun time on LFS as volunteers.
They use their own spare time to run the servers and forum, and they at least deserve to be respected by other players.
9.3. The [TC] tag is for use of the [TC] members only.
Do not use this tag unless you are in the [TC] team (see team-list). This includes its use on skins.
9.4. Do not reveal an undercover [TC] member.
[TC] admins sometimes use fake names to observe the gameplay or specific troublemakers anonymously. Do not unveil their cover; use !tc chat or !pm to communicate.
10. --- Individual Server Rules ---
10.1. Kyoto (KY*)
10.1.1. Driving wrong way on the Autobahn is strictly forbidden. Even during chases.
If you find yourself on the wrong side of the Autobahn while being chased, you are expected to turn around, slow down and wait for the cops to catch up. You must not gain an advantage.
10.1.2. Avoid stopping on the Autobahn where possible.
10.1.3. Allowable stunt areas: Unused pits
10.2. Montana (AS*)
10.2.1. Pit-lane is one-way. Turn right out of the garage.
10.2.2. Allowable stunt areas: Safezone 2, The Mall (carpark)
10.2.3. Driving on the tyre wall around SafeZone 3 (Highway 2) is not considered out of bounds.
10.3. Sydney (SO*)
10.3.1. Pit-lane is one-way. Turn right out of the garage.
10.3.2. Allowable stunt areas: Safezone 2, Station Boulevard (Park & Ride)
10.5. Jamaica (FE*)
10.5.1. Allowable stunt areas: Safezone 2, Swamps/Underpass (carpark)
10.6. Weston Park(WE1)
10.6.1. Allowable stunt areas: Truck Stop (carpark)
Reporting Rule-Breakers and getting Help
There are several methods of reporting rule-breakers.
1. Contact an administrator in-game
You can write private messages to all administrators who are currently in-game by using the !tc command.
Example: "!tc need help here" or "!tc please spec driverx, he is crashing in pitlane"
2. In-game reports
You can report rule-breakers anonymously with the commands !report and !reason.
!report driverx
Please type now !reason with a short description.
Warning: Any abuse of this system will be punished harshly
!reason Intentional ramming
Thank you. Your report has been submitted.
These kind of reports will be shown in-game to all administrators and they will remain in the user's file within the URS (User Reporting System). The URS is TC's system to store all information about users and to keep track of rule violations, punishments and so on.
Because of this, reports may allow TC members to take more robust action on future occurrences. However, do not expect an immediate action by filing such a report.
3. Forum report
Forum reports are the most powerful handle against rule-breakers but also require the most input. To do this, submit a post on TC's forum in the "User Reporting" section. The report has to be conform with report template which can be found there also. This is just to ensure that all necessary information is present. Forum reports do also require you to show strong evidence like a replay or screenshots. Chat-logs are not necessary as we do have chat-logs already on our server and they are easier to search then going through a replay, for instance. Please be advised that all Insim-related messages and displays will not show up in replays. That's due to limitations of LFS.
All forum reports are processed by TC administrators and you will definitely get a response.
Link to the 'user reporting' section
4. Crash complaints
Crash complaints reside even below in-game reports as they require the least input. They are shown in-game to administrators but do not go instantly into the user's URS file. It takes a couple of complaint per week to trigger a URS entry. A crash complaint can be filed every time you were hit by somebody else. The Insim-system will recognise the collision and offer you to file a complaint against that user by typing !complain. You don't even need a username to complain against, as Insim does know the last person you collided with. So it's very convenient to have "!complain" on a hotkey.
The collision detection will also offer you to compensate the other by typing !sorry. The system will determine a suggested amount of money based on the collision speed. This method is primarily to raise the mood of the other person, it does not legalise ramming or crashing. You may still receive a report or other punishments. As the system does not know whose fault the collision was, it's up to you to decide. Either type !complain, !sorry or do nothing at all. The collision-pop-up will automatically disappear after 10 seconds.
5. Admin required?
Under circumstances that misbehaving players making the server unplayable you may do a post in the "TC Member Required"-thread on the forum.Several admins will get informed instantly and try to solve the problems as soon as possible. Usually within minutes.
Link to the 'TC-member required' section
6. Talk!
Sometimes, using the right words is the better and faster than all above.