CurtD (Unban Request Denied by Leon)
2015-07-14, 18:35
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-14 18:57 by Michiyo.)
Post: #1
CurtD (Unban Request Denied by Leon)
● Your LFS Username: Curtisdeakin1997
● Time & Date of Incident: 12/06/2015, between 16:00 and 16:13 ● Replay / Screenshot Link: N/A ● Replay Timestamps:N/A ● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: I was in a 30% restricted UF1 cruising on the autobahn when visual sirens appeared on my screen, as soon as I saw them I immediately came off of the accelerator. I'm not sure what my actual speed was but like I said, 30% restriction on a UF1 so obviously I was miles away from reaching the speed limit of 100 mph...I'd hazard a guess to around 75 mph at the most. I was in the inside lane on my side of the road, this was being blocked by a chase so, in turn, I turned in to the outside lane to pass the chase, safely I may add as now my speed must have been reduced to around 60 at most. I did approach with caution at this point as I was nearing the chase. As I passed the chase Angel reversed out of his lane straight in to mine thus, crashing in to me. I understand that I was in the wrong in this situation however, it was a minor discrepancy at that. After the chase had ended, Leon questioned me about what had gone off in the MAIN chat. I started to share my views on what had happened with him. After answering a few of his questions he accused me of being a liar by actually calling me a liar in MAIN chat, I found this extremely degrading, disrespectful and uncalled for; I politely asked him to stop as I found the comments he was making insulting. He, despite my efforts to calmly defuse growing tension in the MAIN chat (by asking him to stop insulting me) carried on, I said to him that I am not stupid and I do not believe in lying as it is not in my nature due to my job, I explained that I am a medical professional...He very rudely, questioned that statement by sarcastically adding, "Of course you are..." He further continued to challenge my intelligence by saying, "at least reply with something reasonably intelligent" I at this point was gob smacked to say the least. He had thoroughly, well and truly insulted me, belittled me and made out I was thick by continuously hinting at my comment, "I am not thick." I am sure that most who read this with a neutral, 'fly on the wall, as it were' mind set would totally agree with me when I say, "This is disgusting behavior from anyone, never mind an administrator. His comments were absolutely 100% uncalled for, unjust and by no stretch of the imagination justifiable. The same goes for his actions, I have played on these servers for 2 and a half years (give or take a few months) and I have never seen anyone banned for the reasons listed on the ban list given the situation. I did NOT ignore Leon as I answered every question given to me by him. I did however, fail to stop my self from crashing in to the chase. Further more I for one, have never seen anyone banned for this. I have seen dangerous drivers who Purposely RAM others receive only, a conformable warning in the server or a severer word and warning about their misconduct." As an administrator it is not your job nor role to belittle other players by challenging their statements in such an unjust way, it is however, your job/role to defuse situations that may cause abuse and insult, I felt that he had almost reversed his role as an admin due to the fact that I was absolutely shocked because I had in fact been insulted and verbally abused. It is wrong to call someone something that they are not but to tel someone they are thick and to challenge there statements by asking them to reply with something reasonably intelligent is almost juvenile. This behavior should not be practiced by anyone especially the one who is there to keep the peace. As you may have noticed I highlighted a few words that I believe should standout to the reader of this thread. I also put in capitals MAIN, as all of this went off in main chat; I did this as I was made to feel dumb, stupid, thick and almost certainly discriminated against, it was embarrassing to be judged like this in front of both friends and strangers. I am not one for holding grudges as I am more mature than that therefor I wish for no action to be taken against Leon, I just feel that this needs to be put out there for other senior members to see and find a solution to in order to make sure no one else is made to feel like this. I would however like to see my ban at least reduced as I feel the action taken against me and the way in which it was undertaken was by all means unjustifiable. |
2015-07-14, 18:51
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-14 18:51 by Ras.)
Post: #2
RE: CurtD
Any chance you could use the template provided here:
And also, please use paragraphs for that kind of text. As it is now, the admin dealing with this will receive a headache, trying to read all that. |
2015-07-15, 15:46
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-15 15:47 by Ras.)
Post: #3
RE: CurtD
Thank you.
The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly
2015-07-16, 16:19
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-16 21:54 by Leon.)
Post: #4
RE: CurtD
Before I start I'd like to mention that I've lost the replay from the incident and therefore only have the screenshots that I provided you with on the server when the ban was issued. If anyone has it, it would be highly appreciated if they could send it to me.
With that out of the way, I'll use the chatlogs to portray how ridiculous your blatant lying was and that your attitude actually sucked. You and Angel were arguing who's fault the incident was, hence me capitalizing "was" in the following sentence. Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : It WAS your fault when you hit Angel Here I went and checked the replay one more time to give you the benefit of the doubt. Hence the following comment: Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : You're an experienced BS'er if anything, Curt, but that is usually true to the MAC standards Hopefully inserting part of your unban request here won't be too confusing, but I want to properly convey just how ridiculous this argument was. (2015-07-14 18:35)Michiyo Wrote: I was in a 30% restricted UF1 You were in an XFG, which has a noticeably higher top speed than the UF1. (2015-07-14 18:35)Michiyo Wrote: ...cruising on the autobahn when visual sirens appeared on my screen, as soon as I saw them I immediately came off of the accelerator. I'm not sure what my actual speed was but like I said, 30% restriction on a UF1 so obviously I was miles away from reaching the speed limit of 100 mph...I'd hazard a guess to around 75 mph at the most. No you weren't. I've added some arrows to the screenshot that I linked you to on the server. ![]() As we quite clearly can see, the police cars are occupying both lanes and you're travelling at almost 100mp/h, still accelerating. Quote:[MAC]CurtD^h218 : Shut up mate, yyou don't tell me I'm a liar I don't care who you are that's offensive This is also quite interesting. You told me to shut up, yet I'm the one that's disrespectful because I called you out on your lies. Anyway, let's continue. Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : You are lying Okay, I said you were a bit thick, but seriously, don't you think you were? Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : Back to the text from the request. (2015-07-14 18:35)Michiyo Wrote: ...I was in the inside lane on my side of the road, this was being blocked by a chase so, in turn, I turned in to the outside lane to pass the chase, safely I may add as now my speed must have been reduced to around 60 at most. I did approach with caution at this point as I was nearing the chase... ![]() More arrows for clarification. I've pointed them to the relevant items in the screenshot. As you can see, they're pointing to the cars that are occupying both lanes, your speed still at ~100mp/h and the throttle indicator indicating that you're still accelerating, despite being basically at the chase. You then decided to go completely off topic: Quote:[MAC]CurtD^h218 : go on because if I insulted you mate, you'd ban me wouldn't you Which I pointed out to you: Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : Stop switching subjects But you simply wouldn't listen. Quote:[MAC]CurtD^h218 : noo I'm ot you have insulted me calling me a liar and hinting at the fact I'm thick The discussion was getting quite boring as we were going in circles and veered further and further off topic. Quote:[TC]›Leon‹ : Will you be responding to my inquiries any time soon? Your teammate actually tried helping you out. Quote:[MAC]pc025[COP] : [MAC]CurtD#218 - it means dont put stupid crap up But you wouldn't have any of it. Quote:[MAC]CurtD^h218 : Excuse me? Michyo Wrote:After the chase had ended, Leon questioned me about what had gone off in the MAIN chat. I started to share my views on what had happened with him. After answering a few of his questions he accused me of being a liar by actually calling me a liar in MAIN chat, I found this extremely degrading, disrespectful and uncalled for The only person degrading anyone was you, and you did it to yourself. |
2015-07-16, 16:46
Post: #5
RE: CurtD
I don't have time for this, it's a game. You have no right calling me thick or a liar. It's pathetic. I said in my request that I know I was in the wrong so why you've bothered to type all that out I don't know. You take this way too seriously. I was unhappy by the fact that you had hinted at me being thick when actually I'm far from it. Everything I answered was to the best of my knowledge...I don't tend to spend time pondering over what happened on the servers as it is a game so I don't need to worry about it therefor, some of my answers may have been incorrect or not what you were looking for but, that does not make me a lair so don't go pointing fingers like that. And yes, I told you to shut up because I asked you plenty of times to stop calling me a liar and to stop hinting at the fact that I'm thick in a pleasant manor but you failed to to do so and carried on humiliating me.
This is a game you don't come on here and call people things and accuse them of being things they're not because that in it's self is so immature it's actually quite funny. I don't care about crashing accidentally because like I said..It's a game all I care about is being called a liar and being told I'm thick. If you're happy to sit behind a keyboard and call people names and challenge their intelligence over a bloody game then good for you. At the end of the day your actions against me were extremely harsh and I feel that you shouldn't hold the position which is held in such high regard by everybody if your going to abuse your powers and sit there and belittle people and cary on to do so when they have done nothing to deserve it. |
2015-07-16, 18:28
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-16 21:53 by Leon.)
Post: #6
RE: CurtD
(2015-07-16 16:46)Michiyo Wrote: I don't have time for this, it's a game. You mentioned that on the server as well. Here, let me show you: Quote:[MAC]CurtD^h218 : I'm a medical professional, I don't have timefor this However, despite the shortage in your invaluable time, you chose to start, and prolong, a lengthy argument on the server. Despite my efforts, I can't make sense of that. (2015-07-16 16:46)Michiyo Wrote: You have no right calling me thick or a liar. It's pathetic. I said in my request that I know I was in the wrong so why you've bothered to type all that out I don't know. If you go over my previous reply, you'll see that I proved the latter and, taking the entire thread and event into consideration, you, yourself, proved the former. (2015-07-16 16:46)Michiyo Wrote: ...Everything I answered was to the best of my knowledge...I don't tend to spend time pondering over what happened on the servers as it is a game so I don't need to worry about it therefor, some of my answers may have been incorrect or not what you were looking for but, that does not make me a lair so don't go pointing fingers like that That may initially have been true, but insisting on false truths despite having it proven untrue, either makes you a liar or ignorant. (2015-07-16 16:46)Michiyo Wrote: And yes, I told you to shut up because I asked you plenty of times to stop calling me a liar and to stop hinting at the fact that I'm thick in a pleasant manor but you failed to to do so and carried on humiliating me. You only humiliated yourself. (2015-07-16 16:46)Michiyo Wrote: If you're happy to sit behind a keyboard and call people names and challenge their intelligence over a bloody game then good for you. At the end of the day your actions against me were extremely harsh and I feel that you shouldn't hold the position which is held in such high regard by everybody if your going to abuse your powers and sit there and belittle people and cary on to do so when they have done nothing to deserve it. If you feel unfairly treated, please don't hesitate to appeal the decision. Inspectors don't have any influence on appeals, so it will be looked upon objectively by management. - Leon |
2015-07-17, 12:03
Post: #7
RE: CurtD
I'm not a liar neither am I ignorant. Like I said to the best of my knowledge...I wasn't proven wrong as I didn't look at the screenshots or replays.
Shall I start telling you what I think about you? Or not? Because I bet if I start calling you the things your proving to be I'll get further band so get off your high horse and grow up. |
2015-07-18, 12:31
Post: #8
CurtD (Unban Request Denied by Leon)
Unban Request Denied
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