+ Multiple People. (Report Archived by Ash)
2012-03-20, 14:14
(This post was last modified: 2012-03-20 14:23 by SpeedDemon.)
Post: #1
+ Multiple People. (Report Archived by Ash)
MPR: http://speedy.sh/Qq92x/stop-your-complaining....mpr
First user didn't obey siren what so ever while in front of me down h2. User: Mr.Fubell Time of Replay: 25.17.00 I try to pass him multiples time with out any problems and that failed miserably. ------- Another person still not moving for the siren. Replay Time : 28:21:95 User: Joakiiim --------------- User: -Roba- Replay Time: 29:23:26 Using me as a wall to come to a complete stop, no sorry. Had plenty of time to stop or avoid from hitting my car like that. ------------------------------------------- Time of Replay: 35:13.00 I get wrong sided while finally escaping from the chase my suspension is gone up front. I get a sorry, but not much more. If you watch from there guy also gets in front of me again while still running from the cops and the Siren was in my view so it should have been his should it not? User: Kev1987 -------------------------- Also a counter what I gotta say about the report on me for "Ramming"? First off Id like to point out that putting a road block at end of H1 near the Pit exit is dangerous and for other drivers who could have been up ahead of me who could hit the cop with the road block at the end of h1? The smarter or more common sense idea would be to put the RB in the turn after h1 on the right or left side not at the end of a high way when I'm doing 100+ mph. Also my left suspension was gone so If I tried to turn right I wouldn't have even been able so I was hoping a gap was on the far left to avoid, but clearly wasn't. Also if I was even able to avoid and turn right I wouldn't have for the simple fact you have people exitting pit road and I could have hit some one else or just made things worse. No sorry for the WTF and constant flails for so called "Ramming". Ill say sorry here and honestly you'll be lucky if you get that for freaking the hell out. Number two it was bad enough having people avoid sirens in front of the cops and I my self And being wrong sisded which basically took me out from the chase. What I can say is, use some common since to better place your road blocks not in such a dangerous area near the pit exit. If I remember correctly an admin got on some other cop for doing the same thing near the pit exit. |
2012-03-22, 18:01
(This post was last modified: 2012-03-23 03:18 by Stunna.)
Post: #2
RE: Multiple People.
what the hell is goin on in here? im banned for ramming? .. i did nothing wrong.. i said sorry and it wasnt a ram.. ye i was on the wrong side, because of not checking the map.. -.- this isn´t a reason for an 30 day ban..
don´t bother, get a life...-.- |
2012-03-28, 19:16
(This post was last modified: 2012-03-28 19:32 by Ash.)
Post: #3
Multiple People.
This report is being looked into. Please be patient. Mr.Fubelll - Warning issued. Joakiiim - Did not really cause an issue, no action taken. Roba - Didnt hit you that hard, and by the looks of it he did try to avoid hitting you. Kev - Said "damn sorry", then you demanded payment. Tbh he said sorry at the end of the day, it wasnt a bind, he took the time and said sorry, so no action taken. As for your "statement" about your report, its not relevant here. Sorry. Thanks for your post. Ash Action has been taken as described. Thank you for your report. It has now been moved to the archives. |
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