+ [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 ) (Report Archived by Warped)
2014-12-26, 19:57
Post: #1
+ [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 ) (Report Archived by Warped)
● Your LFS Username: aadu
● Their LFS Username(s): vdi107 ● Their LFS GameName(s): [COP] Scania V8 ● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: http://www.filedropper.com/scania ● Replay Timestamps: 3:54:57 [COP] Scania V8 slows below 40km/h in 100 zone (traffic isnt that far behind) 4:06:45 [COP] Scania V8 reach speed above 120 km/h (in same 100 km/h zone) 4:21:89 [COP] Scania V8 slows down traffic behind him (under 60 km/h in same 100 km/h zone - fortunately nothing happen). 5:07:33 [COP] Scania V8 starts to "chase" FR J.Gregoire - suspect was entering pitlane nicely, so I dont know the reason, why was he chased (looks like he didn't use !chase button as he got "stuck" in one pit stop; pitted and rejoined in pitlane - looks like he didn't loose "chase" due his actions. 5:47:47 [COP] Scania V8 joins pitlane with siren/lights combination and looks like he went to chase FR J.Gregoire again. Suspect disconnect (not allowed afcourse, but due not legal chase he gets automatic fine for 300). (Here my question - why isn't it possible to see fine text in a replay? Thnks.) 6:25:57 [COP] Scania V8 starts to "chase" gyunter. For?! (gynter could have keep longer distance, but on replay, it looks that he didn't even use !chase. 9:12:97 [COP] Scania V8 drive with about 50km/h in 12 km/h zone (might due typing though I am reporting this person only because I was at the server when one of admin asked him to remove his COP tag until he pass/has taken his basic training. He had lack of driving skills/COP skills which was reason he had to take his COP tag. It's just unfair is civil people get fined becausei of failing COP. After taking replay and checking it, I gave him note that this was abusing COP powers due his actions. ● Description of incident (inc Date & Time) 26-12-2014 & about 20:05 GTM +1 (German time?!) If I miss anything, feel free to add as I might miss some "Reporting skills" |
2014-12-27, 22:53
Post: #2
RE: [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 )
"5:47:47 [COP] Scania V8 joins pitlane with siren/lights combination and looks like he went to chase FR J.Gregoire again. Suspect disconnect (not allowed afcourse, but due not legal chase he gets automatic fine for 300). (Here my question - why isn't it possible to see fine text in a replay? Thnks.)" I'd like to add my input. If you watched the replay like you said you did, i chased FR J.Gregoire for deliberately(if thats how u spell it) ramming during chase. i agree i shouldnt have rechased but i was unaware i was not aloud do so until Jerkka told me. Also when you "gave him note that this was abusing COP powers due his actions" you refused to tell me where i went wrong when i was willing to sort it out as i was unaware what i done wrong. "didn't use !chase button" i dont understand what u mean. "I was at the server when one of admin asked him to remove his COP tag until he pass/has taken his basic training" If u watch replay you can see i explained to you how I thought i was aloud cop after i got my warning. I then proceeded to remove my cop tag whilst saying actually Im not sure whether i am aloud cop before training or not. "[COP] Scania V8 starts to "chase" gyunter" if my memory is correct, i chased gyunter for stopping at the chase, not for dangerous driving (gyunter recieved a warning from me).
Thanks, Scania V8 |
2014-12-27, 23:28
Post: #3
RE: [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 )
Im sorry, but it's hard me to see, what I wrote and what you add.
Quote:" I'd like to add my input. If you watched the replay like you said you did, i chased FR J.Gregoire for deliberately(if thats how u spell it) ramming during chase. i agree i shouldnt have rechased but i was unaware i was not aloud do so until Jerkka told me.I haven't check if something is written in Manual, but every cop should know, you cant someone re-chase someone after 1st time failed. You can imagine what could happen, if it's allowed. Quote:you refused to tell me where i went wrong when i was willing to sort it out as i was unaware what i done wrong. I said go and check replay. You didn't. Look. Best way of learning is - find your own mistakes. You didn't check, so I reported. Quote:"didn't use !chase button" i dont understand what u mean.If you could have use bind/command !chase - you would have loose your 1st chase due that you went to pit (Automatic). Quote:If u watch replay you can see i explained to you how I thought i was aloud cop after i got my warning. I then proceeded to remove my cop tag whilst saying actually Im not sure whether i am aloud cop before training or not.You are allowed to use this tag, but you were asked to remove it until you pass your training. You said that you think that you had to wait until previous report against you was sorted. Due your little driving skills during copping, you messed up much. So I am quite sure, there were meant "Until you pass your training". Quote:if my memory is correct, i chased gyunter for stopping at the chase, not for dangerous driving (gyunter recieved a warning from me). Replay isn't showing any action of !chase or !lost. Ok, Like I said ingame today: "It's was my duty to report unfair cop!" I am not going to post here as I have stated my view. |
2014-12-28, 11:26
Post: #4
RE: [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 )
Ok, Well I'll have a closer look at the manual again. I have F4 assigned to !chase so i did use !chase
2014-12-29, 13:32
Post: #5
[COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 )
This report is being looked into. Please be patient.
2014-12-29, 15:38
(This post was last modified: 2015-02-05 15:37 by Warped.)
Post: #6
RE: [COP] Scania V8 - ( vdi107 )
(2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 3:54:57 [COP] Scania V8 slows below 40km/h in 100 zone (traffic isnt that far behind) This is something which is usually happening on the server, thus disregarding it. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 4:06:45 [COP] Scania V8 reach speed above 120 km/h (in same 100 km/h zone) I can shamefully admit that I've also thought of this part of the map to be 120 kph/75 mph zone and driven illegally for a few metres without noticing my mistakes. At least this wasn't continuous, as he descended to the appropriate speed limit after awhile. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 4:21:89 [COP] Scania V8 slows down traffic behind him (under 60 km/h in same 100 km/h zone - fortunately nothing happen). Confirmed, this can be dangerous and noticeable damage may happen when paying no attention to a driver ahead. I think his intention was to give signal for the drivers behind to overtake him for some reason. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 5:07:33 [COP] Scania V8 starts to "chase" FR J.Gregoire - suspect was entering pitlane nicely, so I dont know the reason, why was he chased (looks like he didn't use !chase button as he got "stuck" in one pit stop; pitted and rejoined in pitlane - looks like he didn't loose "chase" due his actions. The reason for chasing the user was that "he rammed him during a chase and ruining the chase," according to cop chat. The correct way at this point would have been a forum report. Instead, Irish Mad Man, you gave him a fine "Failure to move". In accordance with the official fine list, you can issue a driver with this fine if the driver in question fails to move for emergency vehicles. It is also fairly unfair if other drivers are chased for something they did, say, fifteen minutes ago. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: (Here my question - why isn't it possible to see fine text in a replay? Thnks.) Because server InSim is not showed in replays, and as almost everything you see on your screen on the server is due to InSim, they won't be visible viewing them. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 6:25:57 [COP] Scania V8 starts to "chase" gyunter. For?! (gynter could have keep longer distance, but on replay, it looks that he didn't even use !chase. The reason for it was "following and interfering with a chase," as he said in main chat. In reality, gyunter did neither of them and therefore the actual purpose to initiate a chase was broken - also, there are no reason to start a chase for these two incidents because they are something administrators should be dealing with. (2014-12-26 19:57)R.Fiets Wrote: 9:12:97 [COP] Scania V8 drive with about 50km/h in 120 km/h zone (might due typing though) Yes, he was typing. At least he was scratching the wall rather than being at the centre of the lane. Irish Mad Man, I advise you--as you have already been told--not to hold the tag until you have passed your training. Otherwise you could eventually finish your training in the year 2016 if you were accumulating reports at this rate. Please read the official Police Guide and Fine list to avoid misunderstandings. Vdi102 has received a warning. Action has been taken as described. Thank you for your report. It has now been moved to the archives. |
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