Rule : 1.12.2
2017-05-17, 00:09
Post: #1
Rule : 1.12.2
I was going to make a thread in which I complain about this specific rule the day It was announced
However I didn't want to as arab drifting isn't something I do, but when such cases are arised, now is the perfect time to highlight this, Now lets point out something, the admin actions taken against [GN] M L 7 O o S were genuine, as by the rule 1.12: Quote:1.12.2. Arab drifting (aka Tafheet (تفحيط) or Hajwalah) is only allowed in stunt-zones. The guy did indeed drift around the track, but by no means he did endanger anyone else (I watched the replay and on many occasions he was moving to allow faster traffic to pass him safely) The same replay also recorded many users breaking the same rule, whenever I get a chance tomorrow I'll file a report regarding the following users:
Whereas that sounds like an absolutely *Removed* head move (The way Angel chose to be), however it is essential to treat everyone equally and the users mentioned above are no exception. The undergoing problem is that [TC] came out with a rule that has flaws that us the players could abuse to produce such things, Angel being AFK entire replay and not affected by what Ml7Oos had done only to end up threatening him with a report because of a stupid rule that has to be followed as saying "to ensure everyone having a fun time" whereas Ml7Oos's drifting didn't affect anyone. Anyways, time to conclude, rules like 1.12.2 has some flaws, as I mentioned above, it opens up the opportunity to allow players to make report for what I look as, reasons out of thin air. which kinda destroys the community spirit and only will leave an impact on how community members will look at each other (as seen in the past, in the user reporting section), or may as-well just [kick/ban] half the LFS drifting community thanks to rules like 1.12.2 -#aguywhostiredofhypocrisy |
2017-05-17, 01:56
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 01:58 by Ghutra.)
Post: #2
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
Quote:The difference is that 'arab drifting' is not allowed on our servers because it causes far too many problems. NOT because it's an 'arab' thing, because the practical side of it ruins gameplay for others, due to you using all of the road to drift side to side. In contrast, a 'normal' drift will be controlled and not use up the whole road, or completely ruin someone's gameplay. Both Arab Drift and Drift cause the same amount of problems and also ruins the gameplay for others, as both use the whole wide of the road to do it. Drift DOES use the whole road for it, and its also unstable, as a simply miss-steer will end up ramming someone (drifters rammed me that way countless of times). If you are going to treat everyone equally, then drift should also be added to Rule 1.12.2 . I know by both experience and watching that Drifters cause the same amount of problems like Arab Drift does, so there is no point to punish Arab Drifters and let Drifters go free. Drift controlled? Pff, its not controlled at all, your tail is sliding, that isn't controlled. A car under control is the one that doesn't drift/slide mate... Maintaining it? maybe, but the car is still undrivable and can cause crashes on high speed limit roads, where you don't expect someone going 70-80kmh on a 160kmh AutoBahn on the Fast lane. People rammed me that way, they go on low speed starting on the slow lane and suddendly they change lanes and either makes people ram them, or they ram them. Same goes for Arab Drifters. ------------------------------------------ Well, im an arab drifter, but never drifted/arab drifted on TC since I joined, or if I did, I go to an stunt-zone as it is specified. By now I have been rammed by MORE drifters than arab drifters -even before this rule was created-, as I can only count like 2 rams from these arab drifters until this day. Today a drifter went WW DRIFTING, rammed me, but he blamed me for not moving out the way on a road that could only fit 1 car... I haven't seen the replay, but from what I recall arab drifters are warned either by an user or a mod/admin to stop arab drifting and either go to a stuntzone or an actual arab drift server (e.g. Live For Fun servers), but some of them simply ignore it and keep on going with its hajwalah, which is where the kick/ban is justified. I still don't understand why people go mad and scream "REPORT!" for a single scratch or even a close call (This isn't related to the report Adorable mentioned). If the drifter/arab drifter rams, then they deserve a punishment. I will also clarify that I do both Drift and Arab Drift, and have nothing against both communities. |
2017-05-17, 01:59
Post: #3
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
IMO the best possible solution is to entirely remove the rule || have it work the way wrong siding does, allowed as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
2017-05-17, 02:41
Post: #4
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
I actually like that idea.
Something like this came to my mind as an idea to change the rule: "You can ONLY DO Drift/Arab Drift With Caution, making sure nobody is near you, that you don't endanger/ruin other people's gameplay, and that you are not going Wrong Way while doing it". Seems better than removing it I'd guess. |
2017-05-17, 07:03
Post: #5
RE: Rule : 1.12.2 | |||||||
2017-05-17, 07:17
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 07:24 by Jacob.)
Post: #6
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
1.12.2. Arab drifting (aka Tafheet (تفحيط) or Hajwalah) is only allowed in stunt-zones.
which part you dont understand? The main problem is that every arab drifter doesnt care about whats happening around him while doing that stupid kind of driving. Not moving for chases, doing it in traffic no matter they destroys others fun. If you want to mess around, rent a server and make a mess there, i think there will be still full capacity and nobody will get hurt. I personaly welcome this rule. The difference between normal drift and arab drift is that normal drifter doesnt go in to the trafic like kamikaze and watching a good dritfer is a pleasure for eyes, not your funny car setups and crossing side to side ended with uncontroled spinning. |
2017-05-17, 07:21
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 07:22 by BP.)
Post: #7
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
IMO Arab drifting is inherently dangerous since the user doing it goes from side to side taking up the entire road - constantly losing control. No matter how careful they think they're being, they are probably going to cause an issue quite quickly. Obviously, there are some actually considerate people who Arab drift. Of course, they're welcome to do it in stunt zones or on a different server/offline.
I think of this total ban (apart from stunt zones) like the drifting the roundabout or wrong waying on the Autobahn (apart from the exception to that rule) - it's never allowed even if there's no one about, because it causes/would cause too many issues. Either way, continue posting opinions. Nothing is ever set in stone.. |
2017-05-17, 07:41
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 07:44 by Barney.)
Post: #8
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
Ill just throw in some keywords... Cant really be arsed to write an essay about this topic regarding: Ignorance, respect, selfishness(willingly accepting the possibilitiy of crashes in favour of your own fun), collective punishments(Pyro is not a crime, btw), cultural differences("western world" vs. middle east(plus partially turkey), but also vs. scandinavian driftturds), aswell as "stunting"(2-wheeling in safe areas but not safezones) and so on.... this is a complex topic, but not a racial topic btw... Oh yeah, i was/am a fan of hagwallah.
When the problem arose a few years ago, it was already against the rules technically(wrongway accidents) but people(mostly players from the KSA(again, not racist, but fact)) decided to ignore all warnings and keep causing accidents, leaving two options: prohibit it or increase the punishments. Basically it all comes down to one question: How many (avoidable)troubles/accidents/reports have been caused by arabdrifting(in relation to the amount of people doing it) and how high are the chances of future incidents? €: community spirit, lmao |
2017-05-17, 09:33
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 09:35 by Frozen.)
Post: #9
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
This is a cruise server, as such you're expected to drive properly in order to reproduce (the most close feeling to driving normally in the real world). If you want to slide your car pointlessly as if you were in Saudi Arabia with your friends, there's a designed zone for it, the stunt zones. That's already giving an alternative in case you have the need for it. Therefore, nobody is prohibiting those kind of drifts on the server, all you have to do is ensure you drift in the places designed for it, and not in the normal road where you may disturb other players who are not in the need of it.
In my opinion, the rule is totally fine and should have been implemented way earlier. So I'm glad it's here now. |
2017-05-17, 10:05
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 16:24 by Alex..)
Post: #10
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
1.12.2. Arab drifting (aka Tafheet (تفحيط) or Hajwalah) is only allowed in stunt-zones.
This rule actually not in all maps like montana map dont avaliable any stunt zone there if we cant do arab drift and jamica map only drift corner and its very small so we cant do arab drift there! Second if we are do arab drift in traffic and this harassing people u can talk for us dont only spected arab drifters and do report . In my opinion,i hope you make a good place to do arab drift. |
2017-05-17, 10:07
Post: #11
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
[6S] Jacob +1 on that
arab drift rule was created because the situation was out of hand with arab drifters.. a "classic" drifter with avarage skill can maintain his lane while drifting within the speed limit.. fact is that both categories have bad examples.. ie rb drifters not just passing by.. i have been crashed -or near miss- more times from overspeeders that can't control their car in 200 km/h than i have from drifters.. leave the rule as it is.. and let TC deal with the report judgement. |
2017-05-17, 10:32
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 10:41 by Sky.)
Post: #12
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
Well, normal drifting is still dangerous, you can't say it's not making accidents, still the car is uncontrollable at all, arab drifting is dangerous, and normal drifting is dangerous, where did normal drifting come from, it's Japanese drifting as I know, doesn't make sense going against the Arabian drifting on the highway like what did Ml7oos. keeping everything safe and clearing the way for whoever want to pass , The replay shows that he was moving away when someone is nearby and showing that he is drifting when no one is near him , and staying spectating a player while afk for searching problems for him and banning him is more worse than the dangerous drifting even though he kept the way clear when someone want to pass , like what did angel he was spectating him while he was parking the car and doing nothing else than looking behind arab drifting.
If the server is for fun so go have fun instead of spectating and Arabian Saying that it's better to make a specified own server for Arabic drifting is not a solution we are talking about a rule in TC Just saying in my opinion the rule should edited to, Arab drifting is banable if the drifter rammed someone Regards. |
2017-05-17, 10:56
Post: #13
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
I don't know, my app recorded two players with angle velocity +60degrees, both were requested to stop drifting yet continued to do it in the entire road, is it bannable if I report them ?BP help please, report?
Dunno, they look innocent to me as they didnt endanger anyone. yet its against the rules? report? u sure BP? |
2017-05-17, 11:42
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 11:42 by Frozen.)
Post: #14
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
(2017-05-17 10:56)Adorable Wrote: Yet its against the rules? report? u sure BP? I don't get your attitude here to be honest. I think the rule is clear to me. You may not drift the roundabout neither, that doesnt mean that if your InSim detects that someone at 01:00 in the night, with an empty server does a circle around the roundabout, they will be banned. In a report, you analyze each situation individually. Sometimes you're wrong, sometimes not. What you're trying to say is nonsense. |
2017-05-17, 11:43
Post: #15
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
There is no key difference between drifting and hagwalah, they both technically lose partial control of the car in a way or another. But from what I have seen, the problem wasn't from hagwalah itself, but from the people who do it (SAUDIs), their lack of skills to communicate and not taking responsibility of their actions led TC to take such actions.
2017-05-17, 11:45
Post: #16
RE: Rule : 1.12.2 | |||||||
2017-05-17, 11:47
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-17 11:47 by Frozen.)
Post: #17
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
(2017-05-17 11:45)Adorable Wrote:(2017-05-17 11:42)Frozen Wrote: In a report, you analyze each situation individually. Sometimes you're wrong, sometimes not. What you're trying to say is nonsense. You're completely ignoring what I wrote I guess, so that's fine. ![]() As said, the rules state clearly, drift in the stunt zones, if there are no stunt zones, dont drift and find another server to do so. ![]() If you find someone who is arab drifting, save the replay and submit a report if you feel its required. Remember that an abuse of the report system (making unnecessary reports) is also a punishable offence. That should answer your question. ![]() |
2017-05-17, 11:54
Post: #18
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
I'm not sure if it's a joke, but I consider it a mockery if you're telling me to go a safezone that is 20m by 200long, basically trap all the drifters in a little area as if you're controlling childs in a kindergarten.
Could have been as simple as: 1.12.2: Don't drift when there's traffic nearby, accidents caused by drifting will treated the same as if ramming on purpose. And not just don't drift at all; Even if it's safe and you're not ruining anyone else's fun by doing so. |
2017-05-17, 11:57
Post: #19
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
(2017-05-17 11:54)Adorable Wrote: I'm not sure if it's a joke, but I consider it a mockery if you're telling me to go a safezone that is 20m by 200long, basically trap all the drifters in a little area as if you're controlling childs in a kindergarten. What's childish is the fact that [TC] had to add a rule for every little thing just because many people here cannot behave and love to mess around while ruining other people's fun. Arab drifting got a chance, and it brought more drama than happiness, therefore, we scrap the drama and we're sorry for those who are not happy anymore. The majority counts, that's how the real world works. |
2017-05-17, 12:05
Post: #20
RE: Rule : 1.12.2
(2017-05-17 11:57)Frozen Wrote: love to mess around while ruining other people's fun. Not the case here. |
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