[TC] Community Used Terms
2014-10-01, 17:45
(This post was last modified: 2015-08-04 22:15 by Connor.)
Post: #1
[TC] Community Used Terms
[TC] CityDriving Community used terms
This thread is used to gather words used by the community of [TC] CityDriving, either in-game or in the forum. If you know a word, and it isn't in the list, feel free to submit it by posting a new reply to this thread. If you don't feel like submitting it publicly, please send a private message. You may also suggest how to enhance this thread, for example, how to make the thread look better. Cruise - AB: An acronym for the word “Autobahn”; Autobahn is an area located at Kyoto, the Oval of Kyoto. It is a very popular area for speeders It's near the AB. - Caution: A visual caution sign that is easily seen when approaching it. Can be seen at any angle. Drivers should always slow down when they see these caution signs and prepare for a full-stop Warning, caution is on here guys! - Hazard: A visual caution sign that is very easily seen when approaching it, having an on-screen warning of “Hazard - slow down”. Can only be seen from behind at a narrow angle of 45 degrees. Drivers should always slow down when they see these caution signs and prepare for a full-stop Why didn't you slow down when you saw the hazard? - L2D: An acronym for the phrase “Learn to Drive”; used in frustration at another driver, when one does something in relation to driving which isn't pleasing the other driver Wow, L2D son. -MB: An acronym for the phrase “My Bad”; usually said when a driver hits or crashes into another car by accident Sorry, mb. - OOB: An acronym for the phrase “Out of Bounds”; usually describes an area that is drivable, that is outside of the normally accessed area Wanna go OOB with me? - Ramming: The act of using rough force; crashing into other cars mainly on purpose Stop ramming me! - Rapurrt: See report - RB: When not used during chases, an acronym for the word “roundabout.” Not to be confused with an acronym for police chases “roadblock” See you at the RB, Jack! - Report: Reporting a user means that a user is going to inform administrators by 1) making a forum report; 2) making an in-game report via a command !report; 3) talking to the administrators via a command !tc <text>. These reports are made because a user of the server has broken an in-game server rule and usually will be punished for it after the administrators have looked into the report I'm going to report you because of that ram. - Set: A car's setup. Setups determine how a car is behaving Can you send your set? - SS: An acronym for a phrase “send setup”; push-able button on the Connections List. By pressing the button, you can send your currently used setup to another player Hey, can you ss? - SZ: An acronym for the word “Safezone”; an area on [TC] CityDriving server where it's possible to pit or spectate oneself without losing the current trip or money for towing Organising a cruise, meet at sz everyone! - TC: An acronym for the word “Traction Control”; traction control is part of a setup which helps the driver in terms of preventing slipping. Not to be confused with a team called [TC] - the administrators of the server who help other players in need of it I love to use TC in my FZ5 setup. - WW: An acronym for the word “Wrong Way”; usually said in a map called Kyoto when a user is driving on the wrong side of the Autobahn area Stop WWing! Police chases - BU: An acronym for the word “Backup”; used in cop chat (see Cop chat) to inform other cops that one is ready for a backup call. May also be used to speed up typing when requesting backup [COP] Need urgent BU! - Cop chat: A cop chat is an area for [COP]s to communicate with each other. To talk in the cop chat, type !c <text> or !cop <text> while on-duty. There is added a “[COP] ...” in the beginning of your sentence to help notice when someone is talking in the cop chat [COP] Need backup, anyone copy? - Chase chat: A chase chat is an area for [COP]s to communicate with each other in the same chase. To talk in the chase chat, type !x <text> while in a chase. There is added a “[X] ...” in the beginning of your sentence to help notice when someone is talking in the chase chat [X] Suspect turned left! - GC: An acronym of the phrase "Good chase"; people tend to say this when they think the chase they were in was of a high standard or really fun to be part of. - PIT: An acronym the word “Precision Immobilization Technique”; tactical maneuver directed at a suspect's rear wheel arch. Successful PIT maneuver will lead to the suspect's loss of control and speed, which allows the police to encircle the suspect and subsequently bust one Great PIT maneuver, Johnson! Good teamwork. - RB: An acronym for the word “roadblock”; roadblocks are set up by the police by parking the police car on the road trying to force the suspect to slow down, or using a command !roadblock+/-, !rb [X] Placing a roadblock in the corner of Flowerpot street, slow down! - Sirens: Either visual sirens or audible sirens. Visual sirens are seen at the center of the screen as white and red “SIREN”, notifying the road users whenever a chase is around or approaching. Audible sirens are horns restricted to emergency vehicles: horns #4 and #5. You can download other siren sounds and replace them in your LFS folder Wow, didn't you see sirens? - Strobes: Flashing lights the police should use when chasing road users Hey, your strobes aren't on! Forum - (Forum) PM: An acronym for the word “Private Message”; a message that is sent to another user(s) privately through the forum making it possible for the other party to read it without anybody else being able to see it I sent you a forum PM, read it. - Forum warning: A warning used as a punishment for the breach of the forum rules. Forum warnings will raise by a percent amount, from 0%–100%, the higher warning level you have, the more harsher punishment you will receive. These punishments vary from suspended posting privileges to a permanent ban from the forum I received a forum warning and now I can't even post replies anymore! Damn, I need to think first before posting my replies... - Spoiler: Usually when posting a large screenshot, users of the forum prefer to spoiler it. Spoilering material is done with spoiler-tags [.spoiler]text[/spoiler] without the red dot Why didn't you spoiler that..? Administration - Ban: A tool for administrators to remove a certain user from the server thus making it impossible for one to reconnect. Used as a punishment for the continuous or serious breach of the rules He's banned, he can't come play with us. - Ban-hammer: A word used to describe the event of banning a user off the server He's totally going to get ban-hammered... - Confirmable Warning: A warning given by [TC] members (administrators). This type of warning is usually referred to on forum reports (sometimes also called just ‘warning’ or ‘confirmable’) and means that the receivers will have a box at the center of their screens having a written warning message which they have to confirm. Doing this, they understand the rule(s) they've broken and also make sure to obey it in the future He received a confirmable warning, thanks for the report. - Kick: A tool for administrators to remove a certain user from the server. Used as a warning and a punishment for the breach of the rules Damn, I heard that Howling kicked our friend! - Kickstick: A word used to describe the event of kicking a user off the server Lol! The kickstick made him less cocky. - Revoke: To revoke cop rights, cop rights revocation. If someone is revoked, it usually means that one's cop rights have been taken off due to excessive rule violations concerning the rules made for the police. To regain cop rights, one has to pass Basic Training for Police or even both Basic & Advanced Training for Police Sorry, can't join. I'm revoked. - Restriction: A tool for administrators to force a user to a certain car, usually UF1. Used mainly as a warning and a punishment for the breach of the rules concerning the driving skills Cannot drift with you now, I'm restricted for an hour. Miscellaneous - AFAIK: An acronym for the phrase “As Far as I Know”; to one's knowledge AFAIK the cruise will start in half an hour. - AFK: An acronym for the phrase “Away From Keyboard”. Used to inform other players that the user is going to be inavailable, hence away from his computer Going AFK guys. - ASAP: An acronym for the phrase “As Soon as Possible”; used to emphasize the importance of something happening as early as possible You should come to server one ASAP! - BB: An acronym for the phrase "Bye bye"; usually said when someone leaves the server I'm going off, BB! - BBL: An acronym for the phrase “Be Back Later”; usually said when a person leaves the server for a considerably long time but plans to reconnect afterwards BBL, have to go to school. - BRB: An acronym for the phrase “Be Right Back”; usually said when a person is going “AFK” (see AFK) for a brief amount of time. Can also be said when leaving the server and returning shortly Brb, getting food. - FYI: An acronym for the phrase “For Your Information”; used in sentences; a phrase that introduces, or follows, a piece of information FYI, I didn't even have a chase then. - IIRC: An acronym for the phrase “If I Recall Correctly”; used to emphasize one is not too sure about something, and the information would lack the correct facts That's not worth 5k IIRC. - IMHO: An acronym for the phrase “In My Humble Opinion”; used in the same manner as ‘IMO’ A report is needed, IMHO. - IMO: An acronym for the phrase “In My Opinion”; used to emphasize that the following or preceding opinion(s) or other kind of information is from your point of view IMO, he shouldn't have been fined... - JK: An acronym for the phrase “Just Kidding”; usually used at the end of a sentence to take back what has just been said You're so bad at chasing other players! Ha, jk. - NP: An acronym for the phrase "No problem"; usually said in response to someone who said "Thank you" User 1: "Thanks for towing me" User 2: "Np mate" - Nub: Noob, newbie. A word used to describe, usually in a friendly way, a person who is seen as a big failer. Also used when a person is messing around or to call someone a new player Have you seen that guy noobing around in the pits? - OMW: An acronym for the phrase “On My Way”; used to tell you're en route to somewhere Stay calm, OMW! - TBH: An acronym for the phrase “To Be Honest”; used when telling your opinion TBH, that was very uncalled-for. - TY: An acronym for the phrase "Thank you"; usually said if someone has done you a good deed TY for the tow! - WB: An acronym for the phrase "Welcome back"; used if someone has recently left the server but comes back within a short time WB mate! - YW: An acronym for the phrase "You're welcome"; used in response to "Thank you" to acknowledge one's thanks of your good deed User 1: Hey thanks man! User 2: YW! |
2014-10-01, 17:50
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 09:59 by Warped.)
Post: #2
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Nub : Word used to describe Special.
2014-10-01, 17:54
Post: #3
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms | |||||||
2014-10-01, 18:01
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-01 18:46 by Warped.)
Post: #4
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Rapport - see report (I've actually seen new-comers confused over this term)
RB - also used for an abbreviation of 'Roundabout'. Not to be confused with the police abbreviation for 'Roadblock'. (Sidenote: Anyone who talks about RB in the context of copping or in a chase, it should be to do with a 'Roadblock' etc...) |
2014-10-01, 18:05
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-01 18:43 by Warped.)
Post: #5
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
TC: Traction Control
PIT: manoeuvre directed in the rear wheel arch AFK: Away from Keyboard L2D: Learn to drive |
2014-10-01, 18:13
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-01 18:46 by Warped.)
Post: #6
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
In addition to Traction Control TC:
[TC] (could) also refer to the TC team or a TC member, for example to make a report or to ask something. (Just adding it before it confuses people ingame. "I'll speak to TC about it." |
2014-10-01, 18:29
Post: #7
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms | |||||||
2014-10-01, 19:17
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 04:02 by Warped.)
Post: #8
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Seems like a trap. Such a desperate attempt of trying to make me new haters!
By the way, good words guys. Added all of them. |
2014-10-02, 07:59
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 11:39 by Warped.)
Post: #9
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Brb= be right back
2014-10-02, 08:24
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 11:40 by Warped.)
Post: #10
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
SS Send set.
Unless that falls under 'Set' idk |
2014-10-02, 09:14
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 11:40 by Warped.)
Post: #11
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
rather rare, but still:
- BU: An abbreviation for "Backup". Additional COPs in chases. [COP] Need urgent BU! |
2014-10-02, 09:27
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 11:41 by Warped.)
Post: #12
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
MB; My bad
2014-10-02, 11:08
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-07 15:20 by Warped.)
Post: #13
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
I noticed banhammer was explained, but where is the kickstick?
2014-10-02, 18:23
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-02 18:24 by Johan..)
Post: #14
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Adseybear - The definition of a complete utter noob.
Ahh.. Seems I'm too late with this one. |
2014-10-07, 14:38
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-07 14:50 by Warped.)
Post: #15
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Confirmable Warning - A warning given by [TC] Members. This type of warning is usually referred to on forum reports (also sometimes called just 'warning') and means that the receiver will have a box containing a written warning on their screen which they have to confirm.
2014-10-07, 16:22
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-07 17:20 by Warped.)
Post: #16
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Could I actually suggest a presentational thing.
The actual terms them selves could be better by making the stand out before the definition. For example you have the Sub-titles to order which definition goes where however the term them selves would be better highlighted in bold for example. Just so someone can distinguish it better Very picky I know but I can see this becoming a massive post so spotting it early will help in the long run to make things easier and more clear Example: - Confirmable Warning: A warning given by [TC] Members (administrators). This type of warning is usually referred to on forum reports (also sometimes called just 'warning' or 'confirmable') and means that the receivers will have a box in the centre of their screens containing a written warning message which they have to confirm. Doing this they understand the rule/s they've broken and also make sure to obey it in the future As simple as that |
2014-10-07, 18:16
Post: #17
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
Good words and a suggestion, guys. Cheers.
2014-10-07, 19:25
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-08 16:38 by Warped.)
Post: #18
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
AFAIK - As far as I know, commonly used and not many people actually know this.
IIRC - If I recall correctly, same thing here. |
2014-10-07, 19:57
(This post was last modified: 2014-10-08 16:38 by Warped.)
Post: #19
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
ASAP - As soon as posible
2015-06-11, 21:15
(This post was last modified: 2015-06-12 05:34 by Warped.)
Post: #20
RE: [TC] Community Used Terms
FYI - For your information
Jk - Just kidding |
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