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*apparently* it snowed up on dartmoor, but we didn't get any. Sad
(2012-01-30 20:10)McGherkin Wrote: [ -> ]*apparently* it snowed up on dartmoor, but we didn't get any. Sad

Take all the fun out of it when you don't have it yet.
I advice you. You want it, when you get it, you hate it.
Haters gonna hate.
Snow is awesome, but you don't want a storm to come with it. Wink
We have about 5 cm snow here. Around -1 C at day and -8-10 night.
I hate the fact that my car has 5 inches of snow on it every dsjfdskjfs morning.
Hahaha Tongue i currently wants as much snow as possible. Not because i like it! not at all.. But when it snows for 5cm in belgium, all traffic on the whole country gets stuck, wich means the busses come too late, or dont come, and THAT means i can't go to school! Hoorah!
Snow is meant for going snowboarding.. so not meant for my country. I want to be able to go ice skating Sad
I used to be quite good at ice-skating :ninja:
(2012-01-30 20:46)McGherkin Wrote: [ -> ]I used to be quite good at ice-skating :ninja:

Then you took an arrow to the knee? Tongue
Jappe, when u said "in belgium" we knew enough Tongue

and Malibu, all snow has gone now.. and if i believe the weather casting..
it should be -15C at day here around friday/saturday.. so dont worry
about iceskating.. xD
Hmm... The radio, tv, etc. says there will be the biggest snowing since 1987. Need to do the shopping and all stuff before friday because the snowing won't stop for 5 days.
Oh, and 70 km/h wind. The conditions are perfect for 1-2m snow barriers...
and here I am getting worried over an inch of snow while its 3c outside. sucks for you guys Tongue
Heating has died. Snow predicted. Gonna be hard to get out of bed in the morning (no warm shower either Sad)
(2012-01-31 16:44)Mobsine Wrote: [ -> ]Jappe, when u said "in belgium" we knew enough Tongue

and Malibu, all snow has gone now.. and if i believe the weather casting..
it should be -15C at day here around friday/saturday.. so dont worry
about iceskating.. xD

Also expected quite some snow over the weekend and that ruins the ice so I don't really keep much hope up Tongue
Crap, all my pictures are on my S2, wich I don't have right know..

I do have this uploaded photo, I made it sunday...

Don't judge me on my writing!!! : pic.twitter.com/Qdxr7Ki3
It was infront of my house Smile
(2012-01-31 19:13)Paul Wrote: [ -> ]Crap, all my pictures are on my S2, wich I don't have right know..

I do have this uploaded photo, I made it sunday...

Don't judge me on my writing!!! : pic.twitter.com/Qdxr7Ki3
It was infront of my house Smile

5136 tweets.. Scared
Not my twitter. The twitter of the person who wanted to upload my picture, she was amazed because of that, and the time like now is " I love it ! Gonna tweet it right away ! " =)
Sorry for off topic, but isn't twitter a bit stalkerish?
"Text follow veronique_mj to your carrier's shortcode" all of what shes up to on there straight to my phone.... =/ that's why i don't have twitter.
We have -20 as I just came home Tongue Good that even public transports buses are working...
(2012-01-31 19:56)Kyllone Wrote: [ -> ]We have -20 as I just came home Tongue Good that even public transports buses are working...

its -25 here, buses are working but late.
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